The Best Video Editing Software

The Best Video Editing Software

When you need to create content for your business, you might want to make videos from time to time. Nowadays, videos can indeed be both natural or aesthetic mediums. We then decided to present different video editing software that you can use to create simple or more complex videos. ​

Why use videos?

Do you hesitate to make videos? Do you not know why you should start filming? Let us tell you why videos are important!

First, if you sell products, it is simpler for potential customers to see the object. Indeed, the customer will then have a 3D vision of this product; it is easier to imagine having it in your hands. Moreover, it is easier to conceive the size of the product better and see the options if a specific size is not available. You can also create videos about your product, how it works, and answer the questions your potential customers could have. 

Videos also have the advantage of being more appreciated when compared to a long text. A potential customer will likely focus more on a person's voice than a text that they will read diagonally to save some time.

Another advantage of videos is that they can improve the trustworthiness of your product. Indeed, photos can hide things, like minor defects. Regarding videos, it is more complicated to hide details; unless you are a great actor, the way you move or act will show that something is wrong.

The video format is also easy to use on social media. It can then be a great traffic source, whether it is for your website or social media pages.

Today, the most used video format is 1080*1920, the vertical format of your smartphone, probably because of Snapchat, Instagram, and TikTok. Of course, the web video format is still used on platforms like YouTube or Twitch.

What do you need to make videos?

As mentioned by Orelsan, “if you want to make movies, you only need something to film,” which is still valid, especially today. However, if you want to be more professional, you then need a microphone, some good light (to promote your products), a good camera, and editing software.

Regarding editing software, let us present a few options.

The best video editing software for Android and IOS

First, we will present some video editing software that you can use to create videos for Instagram and TikTok. Regarding these tools, most of them have free features, but if you need a complete tool, you might need to pay.

Let us start with Quik, a product created by GoPro for its cameras that evolved over time so you can create photos and videos from your cloud or smartphone. It is one of the simplest software available.

If you create videos for social media, why not then use InShot? This editing software was designed especially for social media. Add texts, transitions, zooms, and everything to make the next trending video on TikTok!

Finally, CapCut is a video editing software that is a little more complicated, but it has many free features.

The best video editing software for computers

Let us pass on editing software you can use to create videos on your computer. Once again, some software can seem to be free, but you will need to pay to access all their features. We will try to present the best editing software to create awesome videos.

Regarding the free tools, you can download ShortCut, OpenShot, or VideoPad. These are simple and intuitive editing tools with basic functions (filters, transitions, sound adjustment). You will quickly see that the interface can look like Windows 98, but it is one of the disadvantages of free editing software. If you can manage to overlook this, you will likely like using these tools. If you have a Mac, you probably already have access to iMovie, which can become your new best friend if you love Apple products.

Of course, there is also editing software you need to pay for. If you need to go further, here are a few tools you might like. These editing tools often have free trials so you can test their different features. Here is a list of premium video editing software:

  • PowerDirector 365: one of the most exhaustive editing software!

  • Camtasia Studio: simple to use with a lot of features.

  • Adobe Premiere Pro: If you already use the Adobe suite, you will not have any troubles using it. If not, you may need some time to learn how it works.

  • Hitfilm Express: Perfect tool if you have the soul of a Hollywood director. Even if this editing software seems simple, it has many features that are not always easy to master.

As you can see, these are only a few examples of video editing software you can use. Take time to check and try them to see if it meets your needs.

In conclusion, do not be afraid of using videos to promote your business. Start by using the basic features or free editing software, and when you are ready, try using new functionalities. Do not forget that there are a lot of advantages to using videos, and it will also allow you to try something new. If you want to make YouTube videos, take a look at our article: 5 Simple Steps to Create Videos for YouTube.