How to Attract Visitors to Your Website With a Blog

How to Attract Visitors to Your Website With a Blog

If you take the time to create a website, you likely want people to visit it. But what can you do to ensure that your website appears in the search results? Of course, you can do marketing campaigns and work on SEO, but did you ever think about having a blog? This article will explain how to attract visitors to your website with a blog.

How can a blog help you attract visitors?

Whether you have a website for your business or an online store, a blog is an interesting tool that can help you attract more visitors. You might have already noticed that many websites have a blog. Indeed, there are three main advantages to having a blog: it allows you to improve your credibility, creates new paths to your site, and increases the number of content on a specific topic. In sum, it impacts your SEO.

When you write a blog article, it also creates an additional path to your website. Indeed, when you answer a question your potential clients ask, there are great chances that your text appears in the search results. These visitors then do not see your website homepage first. If you have access to Google Analytics or Google Search Console, you will quickly see which blog articles and topics attract visitors.

How to write and optimize a blog article

There are steps to follow if you want to write and optimize a blog article. It is not because you write a 500 words text that it will magically appear on Google's first page of results. Let’s examine this more closely.

The importance of finding the right topics

The most important element to remember here is relevance. Your target clientele must find your blog articles relevant. To achieve this, you must know the people you want to target. What do they care about? What are their concerns? Do not hesitate to be on the social media they use to find out the trends and what interests them. 

Many tools can help you find interesting topics for your blog articles. For example, there is Google Trends and People Also Ask. You only have to enter a language, a country, or a keyword to see what interests the people you want to target. Also, do not hesitate to use the questions you receive from your clients as a source of inspiration. 

Search and use the right keywords

Once you have found potential topics, it is time to look for the right keywords. It is not all expressions or words that are used on search engines. It is essential to understand what your potential audience searches and which keywords they use to add them to your different blog articles.

But how can you find the right keywords for your articles? No need to panic; once again, many tools can help you. Start by noting down all keywords you think could be relevant for your blog article. Then, check their popularity on tools like Keyword Tools or Ubersuggest. These tools will give you statistics on their use and other keyword suggestions. Do not forget that using the most used keywords can be challenging to stand out. Sometimes, a more precise keyword can make all the difference.

Work on your title

Next step: the title. People who discover your blog article will likely read the title but not necessarily the rest of the text. It is for this reason that you need a catchy title. Your title must be not too long nor too short. Use elements that can be surprising or related to emotions and senses. Of course, your title must be relevant and summarize the rest of the article. You can also answer a question or a need. It is precisely what we decided to do with the article you are currently reading!

On another topic, do not fall into the trap of click baits or scandalous titles to catch people's attention. Visitors leaving your website quickly will increase your site's bounce rate. Since the bounce rate is one of the parameters analyzed by Google, this will also impact your SEO.

Optimize your article for search engines

Now that you are ready to write your blog article, you need to consider SEO. Indeed, when you optimize your text for search engines, you increase your chances of attracting visitors. Following our tips, you already have some keywords to use in your article. These keywords must be used in the title, subtitles, and within the text naturally. If it looks fake, there are great chances that your visitors will not read your article entirely. 

Moreover, there is the meta description of your blog article. The meta description is the small text displayed in the search results. After writing your article, adding a short description (250 characters maximum) is recommended to summarize everything. On WebSelf, you can change the URL and add a meta description on the editor on the right when creating a blog article.

Analyze the results

Write a few blog articles and wait a few weeks to analyze the results. You might notice that some of your texts stand out from the rest or that a topic is more popular than the others. To do this, use Google Analytics or Google Search Console. These two tools will give you access to precious data regarding your blog articles. Writing articles that attract people to your website will get easier with time.

You can always work on some less popular blog articles and publish them again if needed. Do not forget to be relevant and target the needs of your target audience to write texts that will be useful to them. 

In conclusion, blogs can undoubtedly contribute to the success of your website. The more you write about a specific topic, the more you will get credibility. Start the process by finding interesting topics for your target audience, and then optimize the text. Do not forget that you can also share your best articles on social media and use different strategies to promote your blog. Good luck with this!