How to Optimize a Blog Article in Just Three Steps

How to Optimize a Blog Article in Just Three Steps

You likely already know that a blog can be an interesting addition to your website. Besides improving your credibility on a specific topic, it can help you increase traffic from search engines. Is it always better to create new content? Why not work on your older texts? Here are three ways to optimize your blog articles easily.

Why is it important to have performing articles on your website?

Before we start, let us take a moment to explain the importance of having great blog articles on your website. As mentioned, your blog articles can help you perform better on search engines like Google. It is a competitive advantage you should pay attention to, primarily if you have already written several texts.

Remember that a blog article is a new path to your site. The more there are paths, the more you increase your chances of having visitors and sales.

Three steps to follow to optimize your blog articles

Now, what can you do to optimize your blog articles? Whether it is already published or not, we found you three ways to ensure good search engine optimization. Do not hesitate to repeat this exercise for your older articles if needed.

Find the best keywords

First step: the keywords. To this day, the right keywords remain one of the most important elements of SEO. Consequently, you must make sure to use the ones that are looked at on search engines.

Therefore, how can you find the right keywords for your blog articles? Several tools can help you with this. To do it, you only need to enter one or many keywords and analyze the results. For example, a popular keyword will be more competitive. Here is a tip: do not hesitate to try synonyms or use something more precise.

Moreover, you will only have to use your keywords in the title, subtitles, meta description, and text. It is also essential to use word groups related to the keyword to ensure not always using the same term.

Analyze your competitors

Second step: the competitors. It is pretty simple to analyze; to do it, you only need to enter your article’s title or main keyword on Google to see what the first search results are.

It is now time to analyze your competitors. Of course, it is not the question here to copy their content but to understand why their articles are performing well. Read the content and ask yourself what keywords are used and which needs were met. Also, you can see how many words were used to write this article.

Contrary to what you may believe, it is not because an article has 5000 words that it is automatically in the first search results; however, it is an element to consider, mainly when a competitive keyword is used.

Update the content

The work you must do is not finished once the article is published. Search engines like Google especially like content that is updated regularly. Consequently, it is vital to work on your texts once in a while.

There are many ways to proceed. Start by checking if your article's displayed content is still relevant. Have things changed since the publication? Is everything still true? Then, ask yourself what you could add. Would something need more explanation? Do you have other examples or needs to meet?

Once more, do not hesitate to rely on search engine results to find ideas. You could decide to add content by finding complementary questions linked to your central theme.

Five tools to help you optimize your content

If you need to optimize several articles or work in a competitive field, you might need a hand to work on your texts effectively. Regarding this, excluding Google, we found you five tools to help you with the optimization process.


Ubersuggest is the expert Neil Patel tool. It allows you to have access to many information about keywords. Indeed, you can see if it is a competitive keyword and have some suggestions. Ubersuggest will enable you to do three free searches per day.


On its part, Cocolyze is a premium tool that can help you write better blog articles. Besides giving you data, you can access many statistics on your competitors and ensure that you use the right keywords. 


If your blog articles are the basis of your website’s traffic and you need something excellent to help you with the writing and the optimization, Semji might be what you are looking for. Besides analyzing the competitors and Google search results, it will help you with the words to use and relevant questions to answer. However, please note that Semji is quite expensive.


If you need to write or work on blog articles, you must ensure that your texts are perfect. No one is immune to grammar mistakes; for this reason, a tool like Antidote can help you. Antidote is a proofreading tool available in English and French.


Finally, you may have the blank page syndrome when it is time to optimize your blog article. Why not benefit from this occasion to do some brainstorming with ChatGPT? It is not about asking this artificial intelligence to create content for you but asking it about relevant themes and questions related to your topic.

In conclusion, hiring an SEO expert to optimize your blog articles as soon as you launch your business is unnecessary. Start the process by finding the right keywords, analyzing what your competitors do, and updating your texts. Many tools can help you with all this. Do you need a hand to create content? Find our best tips on how to write a blog article.

Monitor the results closely, and remember that optimization requires a lot of patience. Good luck!