Simple Update or Complete Rebranding: What Is Best for Your Website?

Simple Update or Complete Rebranding: What Is Best for Your Website?

If you create a website, there are strong chances that you will want to use it for years. Since trends and technologies evolve quickly, it is possible that, with time, you need to work on your site. Should you do a simple update or a complete rebranding? Let us see the benefits of both options.

Update vs. rebranding: what is the difference?

If you have had your website for a few years, it might be the time to ask yourself if it still meets your needs and if your target audience still finds it attractive. There is nothing wrong with changing your site's components to make it respect the newest trends more.

However, it might be possible that your website is no longer adequate. You need to ask yourself whether you need to do a simple update or a complete rebrand. An update often only requires changing a few elements of your website. On the other hand, a complete rebrand, as its name suggests, is to start from scratch. What is best for you and your website?

When should you do an update?

If you do not know where to start, here are four points to consider regarding the relevance of doing a website update. Please note that it is recommended to update your site regularly to show that it is still active.

The components of your brand image remain similar

First, choose to do an update if the main components of your brand image remain the same or similar. Indeed, if your logo, color palette, font, or general style do not change a lot, a simple website update should be enough. You can modify some components while respecting your brand's established universe to maintain consistency. 

You wish to use a new trend

Every year, there are new trends regarding design and websites. For example, a simple style, natural shapes, and an Art deco look remain important trends of 2023. Some past trends can look obsolete and harm your website's credibility. The newest trends can surely inspire you to refresh your site and brand image.

Your website works well

If your website or business works well and there are no significant changes, it could be relevant only to do a few minor modifications at this time. If you have traffic and sales, why change everything? Indeed, to not scare your clientele, it could be relevant only to make minor edits at the time to see if it still works as well.

You do not have the time 

Finally, creating a website from a to z can take a lot of time; it is possible that right now, you cannot spend hours on a complete rebrand. If it is the case, aim for regular updates. For example, you could decide to refresh a page or change a color or a font. Do it one step at a time, at your rhythm. 

When should you do a complete rebranding?

Now that we have seen the reasons for a simple update, what about a complete rebranding? Is it the best solution for you? Let us see this more closely. 

Your brand image changed

If your brand image has changed recently, it could be a good moment to think about a complete rebranding for your website. Whether it is your logo, style, or color palette, updating your site and respecting the new components can be challenging. Your new brand image could be the basis of this rebranding.

Your business or values are not the same

A business evolves constantly. If your products or target clientele has changed in recent years, a complete rebranding might be necessary. Let us say that you started your business ten years ago. At this time, you were making trendy jewelry for teenagers. It is possible that since your beginnings, your clientele has grown older and might not have the exact needs. Go back to the basics and ask yourself who your website is for.

You do not like your website anymore

If you do not like your website, it is likely that your target audience does not like it either. Since your site is the basis of your online presence, it would be necessary to have a platform that represents well who you are or what you want to offer. If you feel that it is not the case anymore, consider a complete rebranding. Why do you need a website? What is the main goal?

Your website is obsolete

It is possible that you still like your website, but you feel that it is obsolete. As we mentioned, technologies and trends are changing quickly. If your website feels outdated, it could harm your professional credibility, and potential clients could hesitate to work with you. Consequently, a complete rebranding might be necessary if you created your website a few years ago and nothing was changed.

In conclusion, are you looking for a simple update or a complete rebranding? If your brand image or business did not change that much or if you do not have a lot of time, an update should be enough. On the contrary, if there are a lot of major changes, you should consider a complete rebranding of your website. If you choose this option, where to start? Find our tips in our article Redesign your website in just 6 easy steps. Good luck!