The domain name is one of the most important elements of a website, blog, or online store. The address is one of the technical aspects used to find you online. Therefore, it is essential that you choose a domain that will represent your business well and that can be remembered easily by your clients.
Start my websiteWhether you want to start a business or create a website, you should think about the domain name you want to use. What should you keep in mind? We have found four criteria to respect to ensure you get a domain name that will meet your needs.
If you already own a domain name, you can redirect or transfer it to WebSelf Simple by following a few steps.
If you do not already own a domain name, please note that you have access to a free domain for one year when you choose the Growth, Advanced, or VIP annual subscription. If you prefer to use a monthly or Starter subscription, you can always purchase a domain name for additional fees or connect an external domain.