A web presence, a must for small businesses

An article of the french newspaper Les Affaires emphasize how important it is for small businesses to have a web presence or storefront, since it is an increasingly big part of the customers' shopping experience and online research slowly become their first reflex when they hope to purchase something :

44% of small businesses still don't have a website, according to a study published last fall performed by the CEFRIO. While small businesses do not have the same resources that large businesses have, they no longer have the choice to adopt a web marketing strategy if they want to prosper. 

"Before considering getting into social networks, make sure that your website is impeccable, advises Stephanie Kennan, President of Bang Marketing, a marketing communications agency specializing in graphic design, advertising and website design. Most people who hear about you for the first time will have the reflex to go visit your website", she says.

Also, it is important to give your website it's own identity as part of your marketing campain and use the Internet as a media to its full potential. 

Too many websites looks like transcription of a flyer or a brochure and are not enjoyable to browse in, observe Mme Kennan. You only have 5 seconds to capture your reader's attention, otherwise he's gone, The best way to stay in your user's good grace is to ask them their opinion. Submit your first draft to user's reviews and testing and ask for their feedback."

See the whole article (French)