Behind the Scenes: Webself Unfolds, part 5

Behind the Scenes: Webself Unfolds, part 5

Over the last few weeks, we went around the WebSelf departments to introduce you to those who are behind the product. First, there was Sylvia at customer service, and Simon, our graphic expert. Then came Catherine's turn, integrator, and Alessandro, programmer. Today we introduce the one that brings this whole team together, the administrative and marketing director, Matthieu, who agreed to answer our questions!

1. How long have you been working for WebSelf?

I have been working for WebSelf for a little over 5 years. I get older with our product. And just like wine, it improves with maturity ;)

2. What is your job at WebSelf?

I am responsible for the product development. I supervise and work with the programmers, the graphic designers and integrators. I also take care of the logistics of the product and the different marketing strategies that are attached to it. Even though we each have well-defined tasks, we always work together towards the same goal, providing a quality product to our customers.

3. What pleases you the most about your work?

The variety of the daily tasks and being able to lead a team of people who give 110% every day, whether it’s in graphic design, communications, development and customer service. I'm proud to work with such quality people.

4. What are your hobbies?

I love traveling and history. WebSelf is sold in over 160 countries and I think it's important to be open to the world, to experience different cultures and other ways of working. This diversity is also found with my colleagues who come from different countries and it is very rewarding.

5. Tea or coffee?

Coffee and more coffee. I drink too much coffee, if such a thing even exists?. ;-)

6. Favorite quote?

I have two, it that allowed? First, "The smile that you send comes back to you." And the second is "We have two lives, the second begins when you realize that you only have one”

7. Any tips for WebSelf’s customers?

It's not always easy to start a business or to take care of an association. Staying away from the web and the importance of having a website today for its visibility and credibility, I would have 3 tips for our customers: surround yourself with positive people, be well organized and never give up: work always pays off.

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