5 ways to grow your business with POWr plugins

5 ways to grow your business with POWr plugins

A New Year is a fresh beginning full of opportunities, potential, and perspective. For businesses, it’s a chance to use the knowledge gained from the previous year to further improve and evolve in a positive direction. It’s often easy to identify the year’s objectives, but difficult to discern the best means of achieving them. If growing your online business is one of your goals, look no further than POWr.

POWr’s mission is to help businesses grow online by bringing you customizable, easy-to-use, and affordable apps. We believe you should have easy access to the apps you need to make your website more powerful.  

Here are 5 ways you can grow your business with POWr plugins.

Add social media networks to your site

It’s no secret that social media plays an integral role in the success of online businesses. There are many benefits to linking your social networks to your business site, but selecting the right tools to achieve this may feel daunting. Connecting your social media networks to your website doesn’t have to be stressful, there are solutions available to make your experience one of ease and even fun.

At POWr, we understand the importance of social media for businesses and have created the perfect apps to keep you connected and up-to-date with your social media networks. Social Media Icon apps ensure customers can seamlessly connect to your social accounts and share products straight from your site. Use Social Feed to get more conversions by automatically streaming the most current content from your social media networks, and allowing users to easily share content from your site.

Make your site stand out!

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A great way to grab customers’ attention is through eye-catching galleries and popups. With Galleries, you can create stunning displays to showcase your products and give your site that WOW!-factor that keeps customers coming back.

Using a Popup app is another excellent way to capture customers’ attention and alert them to sales, events, highlights, and more. Popup is also an effective solution for growing your mailing lists by enabling you to embed sign-up forms. But, wait, there’s more! Lower bounce rates by customizing your popup to show surveys, discounts, and more when a customer’s about to leave.

Optimize your site’s navigation

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Having a user-friendly, comprehensive website is important for ensuring that your customers have an optimal experience and can easily navigate their way to your product(s). There are few things more frustrating than finding yourself lost and confused on a site while trying to view or purchase products. Tabs and FAQ apps are ideal for assuring customers can easily maneuver through your site and find exactly what they’re looking for. Tabs allow you to organize, display and streamline product information. For example, if you’re a clothing retailer and want to include sizing charts for your products, you can do so with tabs without cluttering up your lovely site.

Perhaps your customers need a better understanding of your business and products. A great way of accomplishing this is through a FAQ app. A FAQ can quickly turn a confused customer into an informed one by answering commonly asked questions about your site, business, and products. This can aid in building trust between you and your customers, which in turn will boost conversions on your site! Furthermore, you can make your FAQ interactive by allowing customers to embed images, links, and videos.

Create a sense of urgency

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There’s something about seeing time slip away as you browse products, knowing that you have a narrow window to choose your item(s) and make a purchase. Kate Spade, you get me every time! Using a Countdown Timer, is exactly what you need to create that sense of urgency and achieve the boost of conversions you’ve been looking for. Not only can you customize a stellar countdown timer, you can encourage more sales by having it display the number of people who have purchased an item. How am I not going to buy that gorgeous Kate Spade bag when there are only 2 left?

SaleCycle shared a post about the value of countdown timers, and how one company experienced triple the number of conversions. Clearly, the customer receives a dose of extra motivation when shopping under a deadline. Countdown timers empower you to achieve that same sense of urgency in a manner that reflects your brand.

Tell your story through images

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Your brand’s story is unique and should be shared with your customers. Photos are powerful tools and can be an effective method of connecting with your customers in ways words fall short. What better way to illustrate your journey and the inspiration behind your products than with quality photos?

A Multi-Slider app is easy to implement and customize, and it enables you to design a slider that perfectly encapsulates your brand’s story. It can be implemented anywhere on your site and, like all of our apps requires no coding experience! In addition, you can increase conversions on your site by adding buttons to your slider that link customers to other areas of your site.

Growing your business shouldn’t be stress-inducing, which is why POWr prides itself in offering you the apps you need to make your online business a success. Use them to compliment your stunning WebSelf site and achieve your growth goals. Our apps are user-friendly, customizable, easily implemented, and require zero coding. Check our full plugin library here, and get started for free!

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Aimee works in Marketing at POWr. She is passionate about all things Kate Spade and helping small businesses access the apps they need to achieve success.