How to Choose the Right Colors for Your Brand

How to Choose the Right Colors for Your BrandWhat do your logo, website, and newsletter have in common? In addition to being marketing tools that you should have, these three elements are extensions of your brand. Therefore, they should be composed of the same colors. Have you already found the shades that represent you well? It is important not to take this decision lightly as colors have meaning. Here are some tips to choose the right colors for your brand.

Why You Should Use the Same Colors Everywhere

Think of McDonald’s. What colors come to mind? Now think of Facebook. We guess you can see their logo made of blue and white. Over time, people will be able to recognize your brand based only on the combination of colors, as is often the case with sports teams. To achieve this, it is important to choose the right colors for your brand and use them in all your marketing. In other words, we need to find the same shades on your website as on your logo or business card. This will help you create a strong brand image that your customers can easily recognize while giving you a touch of credibility and professionalism.

 To start, you need to find a color or colors that represent your business well, your values, and your products. The clearer this connection is, the easier it will be for you to be recognized. For example, it would probably be strange to choose black as the main color of your brand if you work with youth or if you are in an entertainment-related field. Similarly, it would be surprising to see an oil company opt for a logo composed mainly of green–although BP did! 

Some Brand Color Rules to Follow

 Before we talk more specifically about the meaning of colors, let's look together at some rules to follow regarding the colors of your brand. First, you should choose a maximum of three main colors. FYI, most company logos are made up of two colors. The more shades you choose, the harder it is to keep a harmonious appearance. This is true for a logo as well as a website. A rule often used in design is the 60-30-10. There is a main color, the one that represents you the most and a secondary color to support the main color. For example, if your main color is pale, you may want to choose a darker or brighter color. If your main color is bright, it might be worth accompanying it with a more discreet color. Finally, the 10% is an accent color that is often white or black.

 Once you've found your main colors, don't hesitate to create palettes to help you create your website. It would also be interesting to organize the information on your site in a consistent way. To do this, you could put all your titles of the same color or use the brightest shade for your call-to-action buttons to increase their visibility. Don't hesitate to use the STYLE tab in the editor to change the colors of the different parts of your website.

 The Meaning of Colors

 Colors have meanings, you probably already knew that. However, did you know the meaning of all of them? Of course, there are associations that are more obvious than others like green and ecology. Let's take a closer look at what colors generally represent.

 Red: passion, love, bravery, blood, anger and the forbidden

Orange: entertainment, youth, carefree, dynamism, and autumn

Yellow: sun, optimism, joy, wealth, greed, gold

Green: health, disease, environment, hope, life, envy

Blue: sky, sea, trust, wisdom, knowledge

Purple: mystery, dreams, spirituality, luxury, royalty, loneliness

 Read more about the symbolism of colors!

Of course, don't assume that colors have the same meaning everywhere. This is something you should consider if you have an international site. For example, did you know that black is not universally the color of mourning? White is used to symbolize mourning in some Asian countries, while it is blue in Iran and yellow in Egypt.

How to Create a Color Palette

 As mentioned above, a color palette is composed of several colors that go well together. You have main colors, but also lighter or darker colors to help you create contrast. A palette can certainly help design your website, as you will already have the right shades in hand to make a site that will be harmonious and look like you. There are many ways to create a palette for your new project. You could choose your main colors, plus similar colors composed of different tones. You could also choose colors that complement your base colors to create a design that attracts attention, especially if your main colors are bland. Otherwise, there are tools like Coolors that can help you create the perfect palette for your brand image. Also, note that our website templates ensure that the colors are used consistently.


In conclusion, we hope we have convinced you of the benefits of carefully choosing your colors for your brand. Opt for shades that will help you convey your values, then use them everywhere to increase your notoriety. As well, have you heard of pantone colors? This American company specializes in color charts and printing. They also choose a color of the year. We suggest you take a look if you're looking for inspiration!