Title Tag and Header Tag (H1): What Is the Difference?

Title Tag and Header Tag (H1): What Is the Difference?

When some people contact us to ask questions about SEO, we realized that they often mix the title tag and the header tag (H1). Although these are two critical elements of your website’s indexing, they do not work the same way. Let’s see what the title tag and the header tag (H1) are, their differences, and how they work.

What Is the Title Tag?

The title tag is the title related to your website that we find on search engines or tabs. When you look for something on Google, the title tag is the blue title you will see in the results. It is metadata that is there to present your site and help its indexing. As you can see on Google, there is a limit to the number of characters that can be shown on search engine result pages.

When you create a website, you need to add a title tag to all its pages. It helps Google and other search engines to understand what your site is about and index it consequently. To add a title tag on your WebSelf site, go on the editor and click on the PAGES tab and the gear icon. Then, click on SEO. It is the place where you can customize your title tag, but also the meta description and keywords of the page.

For example, if you have a bed and breakfast located in Montreal, the title tag could be something like The Old Town Bed and Breakfast in Montreal.

What Is a Header Tag? (H1)

For its part, the header tag (H1) is the main title of a page, although there can be (H2) and (H3) subtitles. For example, in an article, the header tag is the title of your text. In general, it is the main title that summarizes everything that is on a page. It allows us to prioritize the content better. As it is the case for the title tag, the header tag is used to understand the page’s topic by search engines. Therefore, they can index your website and present your page when someone searches for something related to it.

How can you add header tags (H1) to your WebSelf website? Go on the editor and click on the title you would like to select as the header tag (H1). The title editor will open, and at its bottom, you can find a box called Main page title. Check this box and voila! It is as simple to add a header tag (H1) to your website.

If we take the same example as earlier, your homepage’s header tag could be the name of the bed and breakfast and its slogan: The Old Town Bed and Breakfast: Comfort and Authenticity in Montreal.

Can I Use the Same Thing for my Title Tag and Header Tag?

In theory, you can. The most important thing is to use the same keywords because the more they will be present on your website, the more search engines will understand that they are essential terms to index. Also, as we mentioned earlier, there is a limit to the length of a title tag.

Why Are the Title Tag and the Header Tag (H1) Important for my SEO?  

Search engines have not yet attained the human capacity to understand a web page’s central theme easily. We must then help them! When you add a customized title tag and meta description, and use the same keywords on your site, you help Google determine the main topic. Then, it compares your website to others and indexes it regarding its relevance. Of course, there are many other analyzed elements like backlinks, the bounce rate, and the loading speed.

The indexing of your website is then something you must not neglect. Search engines can be great allies to be successful on the web. Think at the last time you search for something on Google. Most of the time, you find what you were looking for in the first results. Furthermore, you must make sure that the title tag that appears on search engines encourage people to visit your website. If you want to know more about search engine optimization (SEO), we invite you to look at these blog articles.

Write an Effective Title Tag

First, it is important to mention that each webpage should have its title tag. Do not make only one title tag for all your site. It should also have between 10 and 70 characters so it can appear clearly on search engines. You should include keywords that are present on your site and summarize the content of the page too.

For example, if your site has many pages, you could use the name of your business and the name of the page: The Old Town Bed and Breakfast - Contact, The Old Town Bed and Breakfast - About Us, etc.

Choose a Relevant Header Tag 

As it is the case for the title tag, you should have one header tag (H1) per webpage; it should be unique. Do not use the same header tag for all your pages. The titles should also represent well the content of that webpage. Try to use your site’s main keywords in your header tag too. 

For example, regarding the about us page of our hotel, we could use as the main title something like The Story Behind the Old Town Bed and Breakfast. It summarizes well the topic of the page, and the name of the place is there. It is essential because the name is one of the most important keywords on the site.

In conclusion, we hope you understand the difference between the title tag and the header tag better. One is used to present your website on search engines, while the other allows you to prioritize your pages’ content. Once you have checked your website and completed all sections, take time to add meta descriptions that will be significant too.