A Guide to Creating Effective Content for Your Website

A Guide to Creating Effective Content for Your Website

If you've just created your blog or website, the first challenge you'll face is choosing the type of content you want to publish on your site. You need to be very serious about the choice of content that you are going to publish on it, because the tone of voice, words, or outdated information can completely bury your reputation. ​

According to the research, 38% of people will stop engaging with a website if the content or layout is unattractive. But before talking about the types of content that will attract hundreds of users to your site, you must remember some of the essential tips:

  • Don't use all types of content! No brand, site, or blog can harmonicly fit all of the following content types at the same time. Different sites have different content. If you find something worthwhile, use it right away. But remember - this list is not about must-haves, but about uncovering new opportunities.

  • Try something new! Most people find it difficult to get used to something new. The same situation is with content. Having found some new thing, people are afraid to implement it, because they think that it will take too much time, resources, and in general, they will not succeed. But only after trying can you tell for sure whether it suits you or not. Perhaps this particular thing will help you attract thousands of new users.

  • Ideas are more important than form! When choosing content for a blog or website, you first need to think not about the type of content, but about the idea itself. The form that the content takes is secondary. The idea is always more important. First, you come up with an idea, and then you decide how it will look.

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Taken from: https://optinmonster.com 

Popular Types of Content for Your Website 


Infographics are the visual presentation of information in the form of graphs or data. This type of content is more popular than others. Infographics are a powerful way to convey your information to a big audience because people often love to view, share infographics, and discuss it with friends. It is also the fastest-growing form of content. Compared to last year, the use of this format has increased by 1.5 times.

Infographics are perfect for conveying almost any concept or idea. Data, research, and statistics work the best. By using infographics, information will be better perceived by users, as well as make them stay on your site.

Still, this type of content isn't ideal. Its biggest disadvantage is the price. Previously, it was only necessary to create an infographic for it to go viral. Unfortunately, it doesn't work that way today, as millions of people use infographics. You have to build a really interesting infographic with unusual data to be able to share it. It is quite difficult to create such a thing with your own hands without experience and skills, so usually, people turn to specialists. The price of creating an infographic starts at $ 1,000.


Video is a world of creativity and diversity. Today, there are many forms and types of this type of content. But it doesn't matter if the video conveys the message well, it is short and easy to remember. It is because of a good video that you can convince a person to purchase this or that product. For example, it should be said that there are short animated videos that bring tens of thousands of dollars a month.

The main part when creating any video is the script. After all, video is not only about a picture, a moving video - it is about the words that you speak and show. Therefore, first, you need to write a good script, come up with a convincing text, and only after that do you need to shoot a video. You can get video ideas from TV shows and movies. If you can't just watch movies everywhere, you can take a look at cooltechzone.com to choose the reliable and modern VPN.  For the success of your video, I suggest uploading it to well-known platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo. Thanks to these sites, you can safely improve your video search results.

Case Studies

Case studies explain to the user what the product or service is and how it can help him. Typically, this type of content tells general information about a product or service, how everything works and what the results are from buying it.

To write good Case Studies, you first need to briefly describe the research and review the results. You should describe in detail the problem you are facing and offer a solution to this problem, explaining everything step by step. In the end, describe the results of the work and include the clients’ testimonials. The web page that is curated around the theme of sites like gumroad provides relevant details through the article and features clients’ feedbacks at the very end in order to highlight its credibility.

It's also worth remembering that the case study doesn't have to look like pure marketing. You have to do this by telling the story of your success story.

Opinion Posts

This type of content is different from what usually posts on blogs or websites. Opinion posts are different in tone of writing. But as practice shows, this type of content is sharp and expressive. The clearer your position is, the more users you can attract.

It is worth writing a strong first-person take from time to time on a hot topic or changes in your industry or industry. By addressing popular issues, you increase the popularity of your blog or website.

You should always be careful with the frequency of such posts. Don't post your own opinions on different topics every day. You must also be very polite. Don't let your view escalate into criticizing people.

How to Effectively Create Content for Your Website?

The types of content have already been described in sufficient detail, but the question of creating it remains open. I propose to analyze the main stages of content creation for the site.

Determine the Purpose of the Website Content

Is it possible to write good content for a website without understanding why you are writing it? Of course not. First, you need to know the central purpose of the site's content. Once you realize this, you will have many opportunities and ideas for writing texts that will help you achieve your goal.

Research the Audience

Never forget that you are writing for people. Therefore, there are always a few things to keep in mind. First, think about the level of knowledge in your audience. Here will determine the style of writing texts, as well as their complexity. Secondly, what kind of questions will be of interest to readers. In this way, you can attract more users to your site. The last and most important thing is the interests of the audience. Find out what interests your readers. That will help you know what to add to your site to make it more attractive.

There are several ways to study your site's audience. With the help of Audience Overlap, you can see sites that are interesting to your audience and the interests of users.

Image blog WebSelf 89

Taken from: https://blog.alexa.com/ 

Research Competing Websites

To write good texts for your website, you need to understand what your competitors are doing. By comparing your site to the sites of competitors, you can see things that were previously overlooked. Find out what your readers are viewing on competitors' sites and offer them something better. You can also use competitor data to gauge your performance. Sometimes it is competitor analysis that inspires new content themes.

Image blog WebSelf 90

Taken from: https://blog.alexa.com/ 

Write the Content for the Whole Website

After completing all the previous steps, you need to start writing the text for each page of the site. To do this, you need to decide which topic will be devoted to which page and make a comparison with competitors' sites to clearly understand how to write correctly. For each page, you also need to create keywords for easier search on the site and organize them correctly.

Insert Interactive Elements

To create authoritative site content, you need to insert various photos, videos, infographics, that is, elements that will visually confirm your words. Thus, you can break content into blocks to draw the reader's attention to essential details. By making the most of your site's content design, you increase the chances that users will feel like they've found the information they need.

Make Edits

Once you've written all of your content, put it aside for a while and come back later with a fresh look. In this way, you can improve the written text by correcting mistakes, changing some words, strengthening the heading, and rewriting incomprehensible sections.


Uniqueness is one of the most important criteria for successful website content. Your content should also stand out if you want users to pay attention to it. The more care you pay to write it and the more types you use, the more effective and attractive your texts become because the content is primarily an appeal to an audience that reads, learns, and shares. The more effort you put into writing content, the more likely your site will be visited by thousands of users.