Why Is My Web Page Loading Slowly?

Why Is My Web Page Loading Slowly?

Last week, one of our clients contacted us to ask why the web page was loading slowly. Since it is not always about the internet connection, we analyzed his website and gave him a few tips. Consequently, let us give you some advice to ensure your website loading speed is optimized.

Why is it important that your website pages load quickly? 

Before we start, why must your website and web page load quickly? There are several reasons. First, we must not forget that sites and online stores have been greatly optimized in recent years. People now expect to access what they seek in just a few seconds. More precisely, you should target two seconds or less. And if it takes more time, your potential customers could decide not to wait and visit another website.

Moreover, your website loading speed is one of the elements analyzed by search engines like Google. The more a site will load quickly, whether on a computer or a mobile device, the more you increase your chances of getting better results.

What can you check to ensure your website loads quickly?

Now that you know more about the importance of having web pages that load quickly, what can you do to achieve this? We found three things to check to ensure an optimized result, whether for a website or an online store.

Here is a first rule to know: the more there are different elements on your web page, the more you increase your chances that it is slow to load. It is one of the reasons why many modern websites are simple, using sections with only text.

Are there any videos?

A few years ago, one of the most popular website trends was to use videos for the background. Unfortunately, videos are among the heaviest elements; you must know how to use them cleverly.

If you notice that your web page loads slowly and has many videos, there is no need to look further. Start by asking yourself if all your videos are essential to your website. Otherwise, using shorter versions or videos with lower quality could be relevant to avoid harming the loading speed.

Are there any images?

Another popular visual element used on websites is the image. It can make a website or an online store more customized or dynamic, whether a logo, infographic, pictures, icons, or photos. Nonetheless, it is essential to remember that the more you use images, the more you increase your chances of making your site slower.

As with videos, ask yourself if all the images used on your website are essential. We must remember that the current trendy sites are mostly minimalist ones. In addition, it is vital to use the proper file format and compress those you want to keep to ensure a good loading speed. For example, if it is photos, consider using a JPG file since they are less heavy; however, choose a PNG file for your logo.

Are there any apps or extensions?

Another important thing to check if your web pages load slowly is the presence of apps or extensions. Once more, the more you have them, the more you increase your chances of having a slow website.

Nowadays, many widgets, applications, and extensions can help you have a more complete or performing site. For example, you can add a chat tool to answer your clients' questions or a widget that books appointments. Some clients also want music that starts automatically when someone visits their site, while others want to display a visitor counter. In sum, less is often better. Only add the widgets and extensions that make a real difference.

How do I check my website's loading speed?

If you need to know if your web pages load quickly or wish to compare your performances after making some changes, note that several tools can help you check the loading speed. One of the most known and used is Google's PageSpeed Insight tool. It is very easy and free to use.

Start by adding the website domain or web page link you want to test. You can then see the results according to if it is a mobile device or a computer. General performances, accessibility, good practices, and SEO will be analyzed. Finally, at the bottom of the page, you will find a list of recommendations to optimize your page or website.

In conclusion, a website that loads quickly will give your visitors a better user experience while increasing your chances of getting better results on search engines. Since every visual element used has a weight, you must ensure it brings something to your site or online store. Do not hesitate to check the latest web design trends to find new ideas if needed. Good luck!