How to Create Your First Google Ads Campaign

How to Create Your First Google Ads Campaign

Did you just start your business and now want to use Google to increase your popularity? After a while, you might try to do advertising campaigns and realize that they are not profitable. It is not always easy to create and manage advertisements for the web. For this reason, today we give you some advice on how to create your first Google Ads campaign.

A while ago, we published two articles on how to use Google Analytics. We suggest you read them if you are not familiar with this platform. Before starting creating your ads, we recommend you take the time to read our tips in order to prepare yourself well and increase your chances of success.

Before creating a Google Ads campaign

Before creating your first Google Ads campaign, you need to find some specific information.

  • Set your goals. Why do you want to create a campaign? Do you want to increase the conversion rate, your notoriety, or have more traffic?

  • Make a list with the information regarding your products and services, like the characteristics, their benefits, why they are unique.

  • Create a buyer persona and define your target audience. You can have many buyer personas, but it means that you will have to create different campaigns. You will have to set specific time zones, hours, and days when your campaign will be active. It is indeed not productive to have an active campaign 24 hours a day and 7 days a week.

  • Plan a budget. You must know how much you are willing to spend per day. It can be $10, like $100. If you are unsure, start with a lower amount, like $10 per day, and then increase it with time if you need it. We remind you that you only pay when someone clicks on your ads.

  • Prepare a list of keywords that your target audience could look for. Do not hesitate to use the Google Ads tool to search for keywords and see their price. Also, do not forget to create a list of negative keywords, a list of words to exclude, so your ads do not appear on all Google search results.

  • Start writing the text for your Google Ads. To give you an idea, you could add up to 3 titles of 30 characters each. We suggest you create two titles that include a number (10 best tips, a reduction percentage, 100% free… ).   You also need to add an URL. Finally, you will have to write an ad description (maximum 80 characters). Of course, you need to add the relevant keywords you found.

  • Last step: you will need a landing page associated with your ad campaign. It means that if you want to maximize your conversion rate or get the email address, you should not link your ad with your homepage or another general page of your website. Your potential customer is VIP; therefore, they need a VIP page. When they click on your ad, they should be redirected to a customized page. This page must be simple and have a clear call to action button. Each campaign should have its own landing page.

Once you have all this information, you can start creating your Google Ads campaign. 

How to create a Google Ads campaign

You need to remember that Google is not really your friend. Indeed, it remains a business that wants your money. When you create your account, Google will want to push you to a certain type of optimized platform that you cannot control completely. On the contrary, when you create your account, we suggest activating the Expert mode.

Once you have access to the Expert mode, you can start creating your campaigns. By the way, you will have to create one right away, but it will not be mandatory to activate it. Small point: the campaigns you create can be activated and deactivated, but you cannot delete them.

You can now enter the information you found earlier to create your first Google Ads campaign. Beware: when you create a campaign for Google, the Display case will be automatically checked. Ensure to verify all the settings, even those hidden in the menus. 

Regarding keywords, you have access to some assistance at the right of your screen to explain the difference between the broad match and the exact keyword. The more you choose general keywords, the more it will be expensive. Moreover, using broad match keywords can quickly increase your bill; it is for this reason that we recommend using two broad match keywords maximum. It may be more work to find and use specific keywords, but it is worth it.

A few tips regarding your Google Ads campaigns

  • Do not start your Google Ads campaign on Fridays. You will have less time on the weekends to change elements and check what is working or not. Also, you have the right to disconnect.

  • Do A/B tests. When you create a campaign, you make an ad. You can create another one by changing some elements to see which ones are better.

  • Do not hesitate to use the extensions offered by Google Ads.

And once your campaign is created, you will need to monitor it. Here is how.

How to monitor your Google Ads campaign

After a week, you need to check your campaign:

  • Monitor the evolution of your keywords. Indeed, the prices can vary if your competitors use them. Check if their CTR is higher than 2% and verify their quality score. If it is not effective, pause the campaign. 

  • Check the evolution of your campaigns’ CTR to validate they are still relevant.

  • Look at your quality score. This number is influenced by the relevance of your ad, the click rate, and the landing page. With the result, you can appear in Google’s first results without having to pay a fortune for your keywords. Also, check your landing page to make it more attractive or work on your campaign’s titles.

  • Verify your auctions too, especially if you decided to invest the bare minimum in testing this form of advertising. If you have good results, do not hesitate to invest more money.

In conclusion, these were the essential elements to check and know when you create your first Google Ads campaign. You will not become an advertisement expert in two weeks, but at least you will know the basics to start and monitor your campaigns. If you are looking for another way to present your business, did you ever think of working with an influencer? We wish you the best!