The Ideal Structure of a Blog Article

The Ideal Structure of a Blog Article

A few years ago, we wrote an article about the ideal structure of a website. In sum, a site should have four basic pages: a homepage, an about us page, an offer page, and a contact page. What about the blog? Let us see closely what would be the ideal structure of a blog article. The more you write, the easier it will be to create content for your website easily.

Reminder: Why should you add a blog to your website

Before we start, let us take a moment to review why adding a blog to your website could be relevant. First, a blog can help you get more credibility, traffic, and better SEO.

The more you write about a specific topic, the more you show you have mastered it. Potential customers could then be convinced by seeing that you wrote many relevant articles. On another note, remember that every published article is like a new path to your website. Start by targeting questions or concerns of your target audience and then answer them. If needed, take a look at relevant keywords before you begin. Moreover, the more there will be quality content on your site, the more you have chances to improve your general SEO. Indeed, publishing new content on a daily basis can help you be displayed more often in search results. 

The ideal structure of a blog article

Now that you know the importance and the benefits of having a blog on your website, let us now see the structure of a blog article. Whether you have the soul of a writer or not, it will be easier to write texts by separating them into smaller paragraphs.

1 - The title

The title remains one of the most critical elements of your blog articles. In fact, by reading the title, your potential readers will decide whether they want to read the rest. Consequently, pay a special attention to the title.

But how to write a great title? First, your title must be capable of summarizing the article efficiently. Secondly, think about using senses, emotions, or something unexpected. Titles with a number can also catch readers' attention since they make everything more concrete (for example, 5 tips to earn more money, how to become a chess master in two weeks, etc.)

2 - The subtitles

A way to make a blog article easier to write and read is to use subtitles. Besides helping you structure your thoughts, subtitles will help the readers find the information they are looking for more quickly or have an overview of the content at one glance.

Indeed, a blog article is not like a book page. It is then essential to use paragraphs to ease readability. Therefore, once you have found your main title, take the time to choose relevant subtitles for your text.

3 - The introduction

Let now talk about the introduction. According to its definition, an introduction is the beginning section that provides a brief written or spoken explanation. The introduction is like the main title of your blog article; it needs to give information about the content and encourage readers to continue to read. 

You may have learned to make introductions this way at school: context, thesis statement, and scope. According to blog articles, you can use different types of structures. Our advice is to find ways to arouse the reader’s interest in a few lines. 

4 - The paragraphs

Now that the introduction and subtitles are found, you need to write the different paragraphs of your blog article. Since you already have the skeleton, it will be easier to write the rest of the content. Write without asking yourself many questions; you will have plenty of time to proofread your blog article later.

As we mentioned above, articles can help the SEO of your website. According to many studies, blog articles between 2000 and 3000 words would be the best for search engines. Do not panic; remember that an excellent article of 500 words will always be better than a mediocre article of 3000 words. Your content must then be relevant and valuable.

5 - Conclusion

The conclusion is the last paragraph of your blog article. It allows for summarizing the presented content and closing the subject. It is not necessary to write a long conclusion to conclude the article. On the contrary, this section should not be more than a few lines.

A way to conclude your blog article is to add a link to another relevant text of your website. This way, if your reader wants to learn more about the subject, they can click on the link. This person will then spend more time on your site discovering what you offer.

6 - The search engine optimization

Search engine optimization or SEO is not quite a part of a blog article; however, it is essential to think about it before, during, and after you write your article. It will allow you to increase your chances of getting your blog articles displayed in search engine results and get more sales and website traffic. 

First, think about your topic; it must be helpful and relevant to your target audience. Meet a need. Then, according to this topic, look for searched keywords. You can use tools like Ubersuggest to have an idea of the keywords you could use. Consider using them in the title, subtitles, paragraphs, meta description, etc. Once done, take the time to add links to other pages of your websites in the text. It could help you improve the average time spent on your site or bounce rate. Finally, write a title tag and a meta description that summarize your blog article well. A title tag only has 50 characters and a meta description 250 maximum. Remember to proofread your text to avoid any mistakes.

In conclusion, it is not complicated to write a blog article. Its ideal structure is simple: start by finding the right title, subtitles, and keywords, then write the different paragraphs. Once you have published a few texts, check your statistics to see which topics interest your audience the most. And remember to take the time to promote your blog! Good luck!