4 Mistakes to Avoid When Using ChatGPT

4 Mistakes to Avoid When Using ChatGPT

AI is becoming a more integral part of our lives. It is not a fad but a technology that is increasingly used. ChatGPT is among the most popular AI tools. Have you tried it yet? If so, what did you think about it? Since it is not perfect at this time, let us present four mistakes to avoid when using ChatGPT.

 The mistakes to avoid when using AI tools like ChatGPT

Whether you want to create content for your website or ask questions, ChatGPT can be an extraordinary tool. However, as we just mentioned, it is still in progress. Therefore, here are some tips on how to avoid frequent mistakes when using an AI tool like ChatGPT.

Not verifying the given information

According to the version you use, the tool likely does not have access to the latest news regarding a specific topic. Other times, the given answers can be wrong or questionable. Consequently, it is essential not to rely blindly on ChatGPT. Although it is right most of the time, it can be incorrect.

If you wish to increase your professional credibility, you must ensure that all the information displayed on your website is authentic. Thus, it could be relevant to check the information provided by AI tools to ensure everything is correct.

Here is a concrete example: a few months ago, a student wanted to use ChatGPT to make an essay on the Winter Olympic Games. Unfortunately, the AI mixed up various sports and winners in its answers. By checking other sources, it was easy to notice that the answers were incorrect. In short, always check the information given by ChatGPT. It will only take a few minutes and allow you to avoid many problems.

Not customizing the generated texts

One of content creators' most frequent fears is seeing businesses and brands use tools like ChatGPT to write texts. Although it can help them save time and money, with time, they lose authenticity. All texts end up looking similar!

Consequently, if you use AI to create content, do not forget to customize the texts. Choose a tone and type of vocabulary related to your target audience. You can indeed ask ChatGPT to use specific words and characteristics, but remember to proofread and customize everything to ensure that the final result represents you well.

To achieve this, you must take the time to define who your target audience is. Whether it is your social media or website, your texts differ depending on who you want to convince.

Not being precise enough

For some time now, some people declared themselves prompt experts. In other words, they are professionals who master the art of making detailed requests for AI tools. Indeed, the more precise you are, the more your chances are that ChatGPT will understand your demand and give you precisely what you need.

The mistake here is to be vague when making a request. Knowing what you need and expressing it adequately from the start will save time and get you better results. Therefore, do not hesitate to write requests adding a lot of details.

Here is an example of a more precise request used on ChatGPT. We used it to find suggestions for a blog article title about a specific topic. To get interesting results, we added important keywords to use, as well as a maximum number of characters. It allowed us to get more relevant answers from the start.

Not taking the time to use further thoughts

Finally, the last mistake to avoid on ChatGPT is not taking the time to further thoughts. Like the previous point, you will get better results if you help the AI with its answers. To achieve this, start with your basic request and comment on the provided results to let the tool refine its answers.

This method can be ideal if you are looking for ideas or want to brainstorm. Try to see ChatGPT as an assistant. Ask it a question, and based on the answer, look for more explanations or change some elements. You will likely need a few exchanges to get exactly what you want.

If we take back our example about finding a great title for a blog article, we could ask to mix two different suggestions together or not use some words. Then, we could ask for other versions by increasing or decreasing the number of characters. In sum, let the tool work for you. Give it comments to help it achieve the desired result.

In conclusion, AI tools like ChatGPT will likely remain very popular in the next years. Instead of avoiding them like an illness, it could be relevant to learn to use them correctly. Remember to check the provided information, customize the generated content, and guide the tool to ensure the best results possible.m

If you want to learn more about this topic, do not hesitate to discover our tips on using AI to create content for your website.