WebSelf's new feature: long scrolling websites

WebSelf's new feature: long scrolling websites

Long scrolling can be used for multiple cases but sometimes, it is better to stick to the regular pages. Should you be using long scrolling for your website?

What is long scrolling?

Recently, you may have noticed a popular web trend: long scrolling websites. And great news for you: it is now available on WebSelf  This design technique consists of concentrating all of its information on a single page, and inviting the user to scroll to view the content of the page. Many of the websites you visit daily, such as Facebook, are long scrolling, where the news are placed at the top of the page and the visitor has to scroll to see more. Long scrolling can be used for multiple cases but sometimes, it is better to stick to the regular pages. Should you be using long scrolling for your website?

Why should you use long scrolling for your website?

Over time, web trends evolve, therefore users have to adapt. With the great popularity of mobile devices, your visitors now have the habit of scrolling a page to see the content. It is therefore no longer necessary to concentrate all our information at the top of the page to make sure that our visitors aren’t missing out.

Long scrolling also gives you much more freedom in the layout: to allow a good readability, to space your content and to divide it in horizontal zones. You can lay out your content one after the other, and thus, you get a much more intuitive navigation, by inviting your visitors to scroll and click on your links.

Who is it for?

How do you know if you create a long scrolling website? They can be a very interesting option for anyone who:

  • Gets a lot of traffic coming from mobile phones or tablets

  • Don’t have much content to showcase on their website (an event website, a small business, a one-product online store)

  • Has the desire to showcase all of their content on a single page (online resume, or a portfolio, for example)


With Webself, you can create your "long scrolling" website in a few clicks, and completely it’s completely free, just like the rest of our platform. Once you’ve created your website with a first page, there are only a few steps left:

  1. Add content to your page: add your texts and images to your Home page, making sure that everything is clearly divided into zones. Do not hesitate to space your content well, and to leave some white spaces. It is also time to have fun: vary the backgrounds of your zones, add icons, play with typography, use your imagination!

  2. Create anchors: Add anchors at each start zone, and identify the specific zones. Then create your pages by choosing the "link" option. You can then choose to link your pages with the appropriate anchor.

  3. Fix your header and / or footer: Because "long-scrolling" sites also come with small disadvantages, such as losing your visitors before they can make it to the bottom of the page, make sure to attach your header at the top of your page. This way, your user will be able to easily navigate from one section to another. You can also do the same with your footer, it is just another creative way to create your website!

  4. Add a “back to the top” button: For an optimal navigation, you can even add a "Back to the top" button by going to Settings> Others, and activating the "Back to Top" button function. This way, you add another way for your visitors to navigate freely on your brand-new long scrolling website.

Ready to start?