9 Tips From Our Community Manager Regarding Social Media Management

9 Tips From Our Community Manager Regarding Social Media Management

Some think that they can easily manage their business social media because they have a personal Facebook account. It may be the case; however, most of the time, after a few weeks, people do not know what to publish or worry about the reach of their content. We then asked WebSelf community manager Ariane to give you a few tips to help you manage social media like a pro.

Create Attractive Visuals

Thousands of posts are displayed on screens every day. How can you then make sure that your content is seen by the people who already like your pages? How can you make your content stand out? Here is the first step: create and use attractive visuals. Add colors and ensure that the final result looks professional.

If you do not know where to start or do not have access to a graphic designer, we suggest you look at Canva. This tool will help you create great-looking content easily. They have many templates that you can use, and they are already in the right dimensions.

Create Relevant Content

This is my second tip: be useful and relevant, know how to answer your target audience's questions and needs. It is how you will have engagements like shares or comments. Facebook’s algorithms are more and more demanding, but they seem to prioritize posts with a lot of interactions. 

Take a moment to ask yourself what questions your target audience could have and use different mediums to answer them (video, live video, picture, infographic, blog article, etc.)

Dare to Collaborate With Other Businesses

Another way to access relevant communities is to collaborate with other businesses or accounts, for example. Start by understanding who could be complementary to your offer and contact them. There are many types of collaboration: you can write a guest blog article, you can make an interview with them or even work with an influencer. On our side, we like to present our clients that distinguish themselves.

For example, if you sell jewellery, it could be relevant to work with small shops in your area. Aim for communities similar to yours regarding the number of followers to increase your success rate (however, if it works with a bigger community, this is great!)

Regarding partnerships, if it is your first time, feel free to read our article on how to work with an influencer.

Try Different Strategies

Although there are trends, you cannot precisely know what will be the most popular types of publications on your pages. Would it be a video, the share of an article, or a meme? It is then essential to try varieties of posts and keep a watchful eye on the statistics. By doing so, it will be easier to see what works with your community. In other words, it is not because videos are popular on other pages that they will automatically work for you.

It Is Not Necessary to be on All Platforms

In the same line of thinking, right now’s most trending social media can be irrelevant for you. Start by asking yourself who is your target audience. Is it people working in the finance industry? People who love outdoor activities? Then, make sure to be where these people are.

One of the most frequent mistakes people make when they manage their social media is that they want to be everywhere, which can be time-consuming. My piece of advice here is to focus on 2 or 3 platforms, a bigger one (like Facebook or YouTube, for example) and others more relevant for your target audience (like Pinterest, TikTok or LinkedIn).

Use Social Media Management Tools If Needed

Speaking of being on many social media, it is possible that you quickly feel overwhelmed by all the accounts you will have to manage. A community manager’s best friend is its social media management tool. You can then manage and plan all the posts from a single place. There are many (Hootsuite, Later, Buffer), and they all offer a free trial. Social media management tools can help you save a lot of time!

Reuse Content

Here is another great tip that will help you save time: know how to reuse your content. Let’s say that you write a blog article on a topic that interests your community. You share it on your Facebook page, on a LinkedIn group, as a Story on Instagram. Then, you create a video that summarizes it on YouTube and an infographic for Pinterest. You need to remember to  adapt your content to the platform since they all have different specificities.

Check and Follow Other Social Media Accounts

You are probably very busy, but it would be vital to spend some time on social media to check and follow other accounts. You can follow influencers or experts in your field, be in relevant groups, analyze what your competitors are doing. It will then be easier to understand your target audience, see what they like and have ideas for other posts. You will also have the opportunity to interact with people if they are looking for your products or services!

See Negative Comments as a Challenge

This is my final tip: if you see a negative comment on one of your social media pages, do not start to panic. Start by taking a deep breath and try to find a solution. By showing that you are a proactive business, you will look like you care about giving great customer service. Is it a customer you know? Do you know what happened? Contact the unsatisfied customer and invite them to have a private conversation. If you need more tips, look at our article about how to deal with unsatisfied customers.

In conclusion, it might be more complicated to manage your social media yourself, but I hope that you will feel more comfortable with these tips. Start by asking yourself which platforms are the most relevant, and create great content with beautiful visuals. Then, closely monitor your statistics and keep what works with your community!