How to Promote Your Website with a Small Budget

How to Promote Your Website with a Small Budget

Whether you have decided to create a website, a blog, or an online store, it is likely that you will not have thousands of visitors and sales as soon as it is published. Remember that your website competes with all other sites created before. What can you do to get traffic? Here are a few tips on promoting your website with a small budget. ​

Define your main objective and budget

Before you start anything, take the time to define a goal and a budget. A sports team website will probably not have the same objective as an online store. 

Therefore, what do you want? Do you wish to give information, get traffic, or increase your professional notoriety? Do you want people to contact you for a quote or buy your products on your online store?

Then, what is your budget? You must keep a percentage of the revenue for prospection and marketing if you sell products or services. It is often recommended to save 10% for these fields. On the other hand, if you do not have a budget yet, do not worry. It is possible to promote your website with several free strategies. Let us see this more closely.

7 tips to promote your new website

Unfortunately, there are a few chances that your website will be at the top of search engine results when launched. You need time and effort to achieve it. Thus, here are seven tips on how to promote your website if you have a small budget.

Think about natural indexing

First, regarding free strategies, there is natural indexing or SEO. Search engine optimization is the action of being indexed on search engines like Google. The more Google sees your website as reliable and relevant, the more likely it will display it. Your website’s position on search engine results is important because people usually only click on the first results.

Therefore, what can you do to have good indexing? It would help to have the right keywords and write relevant and optimized content, texts, and meta descriptions. 

Add links to your website

There is a reason why the word web was chosen to represent this new technology. Indeed, it is likely like a web that links everything together. When your website is indexed, search engines will analyze if there are links from other sites. The more there are quality links, the more your website has authority and credibility, which is vital for your indexing. At the same time, every link is like a new path to your website.

But where can you find these links? To start with, think about social media. For example, you can add a link to your website on your Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, or LinkedIn page. Then, you can think about relevant partner sites. We will discuss it more in the following paragraphs.

Talk about your website with your entourage

There are great chances that your entourage will be your best ambassadors, whether you have decided to create a website for your business or an online store where you sell your creations. Consequently, feel free to discuss your project, especially at your start. If your friends or family members heard about an interesting business opportunity, they would not hesitate to refer you.

Moreover, why not benefit from this opportunity to organize an official launch for your website? You can do an online or in-person event in accordance with your preference. It is essential that you celebrate your victories when you start a business or new project.

Be active on social media

Although it requires a lot of time, most social media platforms are free. Consequently, it remains significant allies in promoting your website and your business.

One of the most common mistakes related to social media is wanting to be active everywhere. Unless you are an experienced community manager, we strongly recommend only choosing a few social media. The reason is simple: even if you adapt your content, creating publications for social media takes a lot of time. Ask yourself which social media platforms are used by your target audience, do different tries, and analyze the results.

Create a newsletter

Since putting all your eggs in one basket is not recommended, creating a newsletter related to your website could be a relevant way to promote it. You can display special offers, mention your latest blog articles, announce contests, etc. We suggest you add a form to register for your newsletter directly on your site. 

Many newsletter tools are available; most offer a free plan or trial. Among those we know are Sendinblue, Mailchimp, Mailjet, and Cybercontact. 

Take a look at advertisement possibilities

Nowadays, it is possible to do advertising elsewhere than on television or radio. Most social media sites have several options to create and display ads, which can have an interesting return on investment. As we mentioned above, defining your needs and a budget is essential. Spending a few dollars daily to increase your site’s traffic and sales is possible.

Among the most known options are Google Ads and Facebook Ads. Google Ads allows creating ads that will be displayed at the top of the search results. On the other hand, on Facebook, you can sponsor content that can be displayed on Facebook or Instagram. Whatever your choice, you must catch people’s attention quickly using attractive text or pictures. 

Find relevant partners

Finally, here is our last tip regarding promoting your website: find and work with relevant partners. It can be to write or accept guest blog articles, offer complementary services or products, etc. We find strength through unity; when you see affinities, do not hesitate to contact the person.

Here is a concrete example. A few months ago, we were contacted by LegalStart. They offer a free tool that generates a site’s legal notice, which can be helpful to our community of website builders. In exchange, we wrote them some content about creating sites and online stores. Most of the time, it is not complicated, and it is a win-win situation.

In conclusion, getting traffic and promoting your website or online store needs time; publishing a site is not enough to automatically get thousands of visitors and sales. Start by completing your website and optimizing it. Then, promote it on social media and in a newsletter, present it to your entourage, and remember about SEO. Regarding this, updating your site from time to time is recommended to show that it is still active. Good luck!