All the Web Pages We Should Find on an Online Store

All the Web Pages We Should Find on an Online Store

When creating an online store, you need to define your prices and payment and delivery options, as well as promote your products. You must also ensure that you get your potential client’s trust by providing a credible website. Regarding this, it is better to take the time to create a complete store. Let us see what pages we should find on an online store.

The importance of having a complete online store

Before we start, let us take a moment to explain the importance of creating a complete online store. In summary, the more you demonstrate that you are a trustworthy business, the easier it will be to convince potential customers to purchase.

A mistake we sometimes see on the online stores created by our clients is that they only use a store page. They do not take the time to answer questions or explain who they are. Consequently, consider making a complete online store to increase conversion and sales. It will help you look professional.

The web pages we should find on an online store

To give you a hand, we have made a small list of all the pages and sections we should find on your online store. As we just mentioned, it will have the effect of reassuring your visitors and increasing your chances of having sales.

The homepage

Whatever the type of website or what you sell, the homepage remains the most important page of your online store. Indeed, it is often the first page your visitors will see. They will then decide if they want to stay or leave your website.

The homepage is also a summary of your store. Consequently, take the time to present yourself, stand out, and present your various products. The homepage should be separated from the store page.

The about us page

Now, let us pass to the about us page. It is a page you should not underestimate; it is essential to all online stores since it is where you can present yourself and tell your story. You must prove you are a trustworthy company, not a malicious robot. 

For example, you can present your team and tell the story behind your store project. Show that you are true and authentic; it will help you get your potential customers’ trust.

The contact page

Similarly, you should consider adding a contact page to your online store. You will secure your potential customers by providing several ways to contact you. They can also communicate with you if they have any questions. You can decide to display your contact information or use a contact form.

Also, if you receive a significant number of requests, add a small message about the answer delay or your open hours. You can display badges leading to your social media pages, too.

A section with testimonials

It is true that it is not a page, but we strongly recommend you take the time to create a section with past customers’ testimonials. Reviews can make a big difference when it is time to convince a potential customer to proceed with their purchase.

There are different ways to get customer reviews. You can use dedicated software, a survey, or your Google My Business page. Please pay special attention to negative reviews: how you answer them can tell a lot about your business and service.

A frequently asked questions section

Using a complete page for this is unnecessary, but a frequently asked question section is essential to all online stores. Indeed, it is where you can display the answers to the most popular questions, like your refund policies, delivery options, and how to use your products. 

You can add a small FAQ at several places on your online store and a button to your contact page. This way, if you do not answer a specific question, your visitors can contact you quickly.

The store page

Let us move back to the different web pages of your online store. The heart of your e-commerce website is the store page, where you can display your products, prices, and pictures. You must ensure that your products are well shown to encourage potential customers to learn more about them.

Here is a small tip: if you have an ongoing promotion, do not hesitate to add it to your store page. You can also decide to display the most important information regarding your delivery options.

The product page

Every product or service you sell should have its own page. It is where you can display various photos and write a complete description of how to use the products or materials, all the available options, etc. Once more, consider answering all the questions a potential customer could ask themselves.

If you have many product pages to create and several product page descriptions to write, you can use AI tools like ChatGPT to help you. Nonetheless, take the time to proofread all given texts to ensure they correspond to what you are offering.

Find out our best tips on how to improve your product pages.

The shopping bag page

One of the online store pages that is often forgotten is the shopping bag page. It is where we find all the items your potential customers want to buy and all the information about the quantity, prices, taxes, delivery fees, etc. Remember to use visible calls to action to encourage your customers to click the Order button.

Moreover, it is also where you can display a reminder of your current promotions. For example, mentioning that delivery is free when you purchase more than $50 could help you increase your sales.

The confirmation page

Finally, the confirmation page is the last page related to your online store. Of course, we have all the information about your order at this place; however, you should take this opportunity to thank your clients for their purchase. You can also invite them to follow you on social media or subscribe to your newsletter to know more about your next promotions.

Whatever the page or section, do not forget to use the same branding elements to ensure consistency. Your visitors must not think they are on another website when they pass from the homepage to the shopping bag page.

In conclusion, online stores are made up of several pages. Start with the homepage, then work on your store and product pages. Remember to answer all questions and have brand consistency.

Do you wish to sell online but need help knowing where to start? You can hire WebSelf’s experts to create a custom online store.