4 Frequent Mistakes People Make When Creating a Website Themselves

4 Frequent Mistakes People Make When Creating a Website Themselves

WebSelf has been helping people worldwide create a website, blog, and online store for more than ten years now. Hundreds of websites are published daily, allowing businesses to be found online. No one is immune from a mistake; we noticed some recurring faux pas that can harm credibility. To help you, here are four frequent mistakes people make when creating a website themselves and how to fix them.

4 popular mistakes to avoid when creating your website

We believe that everybody is capable of creating a website. Nonetheless, since we know you are likely not an expert or an experienced programmer, you may think about only some things.

Therefore, we targeted four frequent mistakes that are easy to fix to help you ensure you are successful with your website. Let us see this more closely.

Using a logo with a white background

Let us start with the first frequent mistake: a logo with a white background. Since people visit a website from top to bottom, it is one of the first things they will notice since the logo is often in the header. A logo with a white background may tell that you do not have the overall look of your website at heart or that you do not know which type of file you need to use for pictures. Often, the white background does not work with the rest of the header.

How to fix this?

Whatever the medium used or type of business, nowadays, it is essential to have a version of your logo with a transparent background. Most of the time, you only need a PNG file. For your logo, avoid JPG files since they automatically come with a white or colored background. JPG files are better for pictures like photos since they are less heavy than PNG.

Find out more about different types of logos and how to use them on your website.

Not having enough content

Another frequent mistake we see on our clients’ websites is the lack of content. Whether directly on the homepage or throughout the site, the lack of information and text can negatively impact the SEO. Indeed, Google needs content to understand what your website is about and index it accordingly. Moreover, websites with a significant number of words often have better results on search engines.

How can you improve this?

What can you do to add content to your website if you do not have the soul of a writer? First, ask yourself what information your visitors or potential customers could seek. You can add sections to your site or online store, FAQs, and blog articles. For better results, your homepage should have at least 500 words. Remember to use titles and subtitles to help structure the information, too.

Forgetting the Favicon

Several small details can make a huge difference when it comes to a website’s credibility. The Favicon is one of them. To summarize, the Favicon is a small icon representing a website. All important sites have a customized Favicon with their logos or a simplified version. When you use a tool like WebSelf to create your website, our Favicon will be displayed automatically. Therefore, you must remember to replace it with your own icon.

How to add it?

Start by analyzing your logo. Will it look good even if it is small? Do you need to simplify it? Do not worry; web giants like Facebook and Google had to simplify their logos by only keeping the first letter of their names when creating their Favicon. If you have made your site with WebSelf, you can replace the Favicon by going to your settings. Most file formats are accepted.

Using more than three main colors

It happens that we see websites that look like rainbows. Unfortunately, it often gives a chaotic and unbalanced look. Owning a concern for consistency, we recommend you use three primary colors on your site at most. You can add two secondary colors for accents or backgrounds, according to your needs. If you need a hand regarding this, do not hesitate to check our article on creating a color palette for a website. 

What to remember?

If you already have defined your brand colors, consider using them on your website. If this is not the case, think about finding a primary color that will represent your business or products’ values well. Also, remember to have contrasts to ensure it is always easy to read all texts. Your website color palette should include darker and lighter colors.

In conclusion, as we mentioned before, no one is immune from a mistake, especially when it is not our area of expertise; however, we hope that after you read this article, you will take the time to check your website to make sure it is free of these frequent mistakes. Hopefully, they are easy to fix.

For more tips on creating a website or an online store, do not hesitate to look at WebSelf’s blog. You will find resources on design, social media management, marketing, SEO, and more!