2024 Trends: Color Gradients

2024 Trends: Color Gradients

Trends come and go. What was popular a few years ago can seem outdated today. Nonetheless, since Instagram rebranded in 2016, color gradients seem to remain among the most important trends year after year, whether for art or logo design. Consequently, let us see more closely what a color gradient is and how to use it. ​

What is a color gradient exactly?

Before we start, let us take a moment to explain briefly what a color gradient is. Also called color transitions, it uses two or several hues to create a progressive color variation. A great example of a color gradient in nature is simply a sunset. The sky turns orange to pink, pink to blue, and dark blue. Color gradients are used in many artistic fields, such as painting, graphic design, and advertisement. 

There are several types of gradients, like the linear and the radial ones. As its name suggests, linear gradients are like a line. The colors change progressively in one direction. On the other hand, radial gradients use a first color in the center. The more we move away from the center, the more the initial color changes.

Where use a color gradient?

Now, where can you use a color gradient? As mentioned, they are mostly everywhere since they are used in many domains. Here are a few examples.

On your website

You must not forget that your website is the basis of your online presence. It is a relevant place to use color gradients, especially if you want a young or modern look. For example, you could use gradients for the backgrounds of some sections, in the header, or directly on buttons. An interesting way to proceed is to choose a color for the header and decline it with other colors in the following sections.

Remember: to avoid getting a chaotic or unprofessional look, use only a few gradients or colors on your website. Do not forget that one of the main trends regarding web design right now is minimalism. 

On your social media content

Moreover, if your brand uses a specific color gradient, nothing prevents you from reusing it when creating content for your social media. Indeed, to get brand consistency, you could add the color gradient to your Facebook, Instagram, or Pinterest templates. It will allow you to be recognizable more easily and even stand out. For example, you could use the color transition as the background for your templates.

On your logo

Another place where we can find gradients is on logos. Since Instagram did its rebranding, many businesses used this trend for their emblem. Although we may start to feel some fatigue, it remains a trend to consider if you are looking for a new logo today.

Reminder: your logo must be unique, distinctive, and representative. Copying the symbols of known brands will not help you in any way.

On your packaging

In addition, if you offer delivery services and need to think about shipping boxes and packaging, why not take this opportunity to use your brand components to stand out? Instead of a sad brown box or paper bag, you could choose packaging that displays your logo or a color gradient. These options may be indeed more expensive, but they are a way to promote your brand and business. 

How do you create color gradients?

Are you interested in or inspired by gradients? Find out our tips to create a successful color gradient.

Get an idea of the wanted look

Before mixing colors, we strongly recommend you take the time to think about the wanted look. The domain of color matching may be abstract for many, but knowing what you want people to feel with your combination will increase your chances of success. For example, for strong emotions, you could create a gradient using warm colors like red and yellow or complementary colors.

Choose the right colors

Then, there is the question of choosing the right colors and hues and keeping in mind the desired effect. An easy way to create a soft and balanced color gradient is to select different shades of the same color. You can also choose two colors that follow each other on a color circle. Although all hues can be used, using at most three colors when creating your gradient is better.

Use the right tools

Finally, you likely need to use a tool to create a great-looking color gradient. Regarding the right hue, Coolors can be a relevant option for making a color palette. Then, Canva and Adobe Illustrator, two graphic design tools, can help you create your gradients. If you want to design a logo, our partner, FreeLogoDesign, has many options to include a gradient in the text or icon. 

In conclusion, color gradients are still popular and used today. Besides getting a touch of modernity, they can be used everywhere, whether online or in printed materials. It is also another way to reuse your brand colors differently while keeping consistency with what was created before.