3 Ways to Answer Your Clients’ Questions Better

3 Ways to Answer Your Clients’ Questions Better

If you provide products or services, it is essential to satisfy the needs of your potential clients to increase your sales. Any doubt could discourage them from proceeding with a purchase. Therefore, here are a few tips on answering their questions better and helping them make up their minds.

Why is it important to take the time to answer your clients’ questions?

You likely already know that customer service is a part of your business. Whether it is questions from potential customers or people who purchased something or booked an appointment, you likely receive dozens of requests every week. It can be challenging with time, but it remains important, especially when you begin.

Indeed, by answering your clients’ questions, you ensure that you provide them with good customer service. Besides increasing your business’ reputation, you have the opportunity to develop customer loyalty. Although social media remains an interesting marketing tool, word of mouth and recommendations are among the best ways to get clients.

Consequently, schedule a time in your day or week to handle all requests. If you cannot answer questions in a timely manner, consider hiring someone to help you.

3 key elements to add to your website

As we mentioned in several blog articles, your website remains the basis of your online presence. It is the perfect place to gather all the vital information regarding your business and products. Therefore, here are three key elements that you should add to your website to better answer your clients’ questions.

Clear and precise descriptions

The first important element is clear descriptions and texts. Indeed, by explaining well what is included with your many products and services, you will avoid getting many questions. Whether it is on your about us page or product pages, try to think about everything. What are the inclusions and exclusions? What are the prices? Is the shipping included? How must we use the products, and what are the materials used? It is only an insight of all you can add to explain your offers.

Feel free to ask your entourage if they understand what you offer well. The last thing we want here is misunderstandings because your client did not understand something important.

A frequently asked question section

All websites and online stores should have a frequently asked question section, also called FAQ. This section is specially designed to answer all visitors’ questions. To create an FAQ, start by gathering all the questions a potential client may have. You can get inspiration from the requests you already received or websites similar to yours. Do not hesitate to update the information occasionally to ensure that the given answers are still relevant.

But what should we find in a frequently asked question section? You can discuss many topics, but here are a few examples:

  • What is your refund policy?

  • Is shipping free? If the answer is no, what are the shipping fees?

  • Is it possible to ship to another country?

  • What are the accepted payment methods?

  • What is the shipping delay?

  • Is it possible to pay in several payments?

  • Where are located your offices or store?

Of course, think about everything that could be relevant to your website. Please note that an FAQ section is also an excellent way to increase the content we find on your website, especially when using important keywords.

A contact page

It is likely that you cannot think about all questions; this is normal. Consequently, do not forget to add a contact page to your website so people can communicate with you if needed. Besides adding essential information about your business, such as your physical address or open hours, remember to mention contact information like your phone number or email address. If you want to avoid displaying this information, using a contact form that your visitors can fill out to contact you is always possible.

Here is a small tip: on your contact page, tell people about your average response time. Indeed, nowadays, everything must be resolved quickly; some clients must expect to get an answer in less than one hour. If this is not possible, consider adding a note about this. Your potential customers will also be securitized if they receive an automated reply telling them you have received their request and will answer as soon as possible.

In conclusion, by adding these three elements to your website, you will increase your chances of getting fewer questions from customers. Start by writing clear texts that leave no room for interpretation, create a complete frequently asked question section, and add a contact page to ease communication. Remember that a potential customer who gets no answers quickly will likely go elsewhere.

Since answering as quickly as possible is essential, why not consider adding a chatbox directly to your website? Besides giving the answers to the most frequently asked questions, it will allow your clients to communicate with you in just a few clicks.