August 30, 2023
By Ariane
The podcasting universe is growing in popularity. Whether you are an expert in your field or simply someone who likes to talk about anything, creating your own podcast can be a rewarding experience. But where to start? In this article, let us guide you through the essential steps of creating a podcast, from recording the episodes to promoting them.
Read moreAugust 21, 2023
By Ariane
We already mentioned in several blog articles that updating your website from time to time was critical. Besides ensuring that the provided information is still relevant and the design is trendy, it is easier to do than a complete rebrand. Let us see five things you can update on your website more closely to keep it alive and captivating.
Read moreAugust 16, 2023
By Ariane
If you have taken the time to create a website, it is likely that you will have visitors and sales. Once your project is online, you need to promote it and follow its progression. If you look at your statistics, what about your site's bounce rate? Is it high? Here are a few elements to check to understand why your visitors do not stay on your website.
Read moreAugust 11, 2023
By Ariane
Whether you create a website or are working at your job, there are great chances you need to be creative from time to time. Are you afraid of the blank page syndrome or have the impression of not having anything relevant to say? Let us give you a few tips on never running out of ideas and developing your creativity.
Read moreAugust 08, 2023
By Ariane
Do you want to create your first website, a blog, or an online store but need help knowing where to start? Before contacting an experienced freelancer or an agency, did you consider creating it yourself? Here are a few tips to help you create a website with a small budget, whether you are a beginner or not.
Read moreJuly 31, 2023
By Ariane
Among the most used marketing tools, there are newsletters. Whether it is to inform or announce a special offer, there are many reasons why businesses decide to send these emails. If it is your case, how can you ensure your target clientele gets and reads what you send them? Here are a few tips on increasing your newsletters' open rate.
Read moreJuly 26, 2023
By Ariane
Whether you use social media daily or occasionally, you probably have noticed how much they evolved since their beginnings. Image sizes and formats change constantly. What was working a few months or years ago can be outdated. Since our latest article on this topic dates back to 2018, we decided to list what the sizes for social media are in 2023.
Read moreJuly 19, 2023
By Ariane
If someone talks about online presence, what comes to your mind? Your social media? Your website? An online presence is more than just these things; it is the set of places where you display yourself or your business on the internet. Let us see the basis of your online presence more closely and see how to ensure your company or project has all the promotion and visibility it deserves.
Read moreJuly 12, 2023
By Ariane
For many years now, WebSelf has been used by people worldwide to create a website, a blog, or an online store. Hundreds of sites are made every week. Recently, to meet some of our clients’ needs, we have decided to offer a new service: the custom website! Indeed, let the team behind WebSelf create the website you need.
Read moreJuly 07, 2023
By Ariane
If you create a website, there are strong chances that you will want to use it for years. Since trends and technologies evolve quickly, it is possible that, with time, you need to work on your site. Should you do a simple update or a complete rebranding? Let us see the benefits of both options.
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