August 29, 2022
By Ariane
It has been a little over a year since WebSelf started using infographics on social media. In only a few weeks, we realized that it was one of the most popular types of publication. But what is an infographic, and when is it relevant to use it? And mostly, what can you do to create infographics that people will share? It is what we will see in this article.
Read moreAugust 24, 2022
By Emma
Are you thinking about creating a website because you want to be a self-employed worker, open an online store, or share your passion? Knowing where to start or what questions to ask yourself can be challenging to ensure the final result is successful. For this reason, today we will see 7 questions to ask yourself before starting creating your website.
Read moreAugust 17, 2022
By Emma
Are you looking to open an online store and are now calculating all the costs related to selling your products? Of course, it is likely that shipping cannot be free to all clients. Today, we will see the different elements to take into account and a few solutions you could try regarding the shipping fees of your online store.
Read moreAugust 15, 2022
By Ariane
You can find dozens of articles on creating a website or an online store on our WebSelf’s blog. Whether it is about design, SEO, or marketing, there are many things to think about when you want to have an online presence. Today, we decided to ask Simon and Melissa, two of our graphic designers, for some tips on creating a website easily with our website builder.
Read moreAugust 10, 2022
By Ariane
Many restaurant owners have used WebSelf to create a website for their restaurants. Many restaurant websites have also been added to our Examples page. Since the food service area is often challenging, we ask ourselves what we could do to help you. We then found 9 ideas to help you promote your new restaurant.
Read moreJuly 25, 2022
By Ariane
We all know that Instagram is one of the most used social media right now. Whether you have a business or an online store, it would be relevant to benefit from Instagram's advantages if your target audience uses it. When creating your account, you will have to write a small text that describes your business. How can you write a great Instagram bio?
Read moreJuly 20, 2022
By Ariane
If you want to have visitors and clients worldwide, you will probably need to create a multilingual website or online store. Once you have created your content, you will need to translate it. Whether you are good with foreign languages or not, here are 4 tools that can help you proofread and translate your website texts.
Read moreJuly 11, 2022
By Ariane
You probably already know the importance of using attractive visuals on your website. Besides making your web page more alive, you can use pictures to present your products or services. But what can you do to have well-optimized and high-quality images on your website? Do you know which file format to use? In this article, let us take a closer look at which format you should use for your site's images.
Read moreJuly 06, 2022
By Emma
When you need to create content for your business, you might want to make videos from time to time. Nowadays, videos can indeed be both natural or aesthetic mediums. We then decided to present different video editing software that you can use to create simple or more complex videos.
Read moreJune 29, 2022
By Emma
Marketing automation is a broad and complex concept. If you do not know what it is or never have heard of it, you should read this article! Let us present you with the basis of marketing automation.
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