
Tips and tricks to create a website

How to harmonize the different fonts on your website

November 27, 2017
By Sarah

How to harmonize the different fonts on your website

Now that you know how to choose the right fonts for your website, you need to know how to harmonize them. It is very important to carefully choose fonts that fit well together in order to keep your website coherent and consistent with your visual identity. Not all font combinations will give your website good readability. That's why we come to the rescue with this font pairing guide.

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Behind the Scenes: Webself Unfolds, part 7

November 27, 2017
By Élisabeth

Behind the Scenes: Webself Unfolds, part 7

In the last few months, we have gone to multiple departments here at webSelf in order to introduce you to different members of our team. By answering our questions, they give you the opportunity to learn more about them and their role within the company. Today, we introduce Victor, projects manager!

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New features on the WebSelf online store!

October 30, 2017
By Elisabeth

New features on the WebSelf online store!

For almost a year now, we’ve been offering you the opportunity to increase your online revenue by selling your products online with our e-commerce tool. We are now working on improving the tool, therefore your online success rate! Here is a little overview of the new online store features. we strongly advise you to use those new features to your advantage for a professional looking online shop!

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Why you should get a premium plan for your website!

October 18, 2017
By Elisabeth

Why you should get a premium plan for your website!

Webself offers you the perfect tool to create a publish your website for free and without any time limit. If you are satisfied with the free plan, awesome! On the other hand, if you want to benefit from more advantages and features, we have premium plans to bring your website to another level.

You’re not quite sure about subscribing to a premium plan? Here are three good reasons why you should!

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How to identify your target audience

October 18, 2017
By Elisabeth

How to identify your target audience

One of the biggest mistakes you can make when you start your own business is to waste time targeting a population that is too large. As a small business owner, you need to understand that you are selling a product/service to a very specific niche. The goal is not to waste time convincing people who aren’t interested in what you are selling but to focus on those who have more chance of becoming potential buyers.

Your target audience will be specific to you, it may change over time, expand or become smaller, but you must always keep it in mind when you are trying to gain visibility.

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Great news: The HTTPS protocol available on all WebSelf websites

October 18, 2017
By Elisabeth

Great news: The HTTPS protocol available on all WebSelf websites

Your WebSelf websites will be safer than ever! Over the next few days, we will activate SSL / HTTPS encryption for the entirety of your website and we will do this for free. This technology ensures a secure connection between your browser and your website, and protects your visitors when they are on your website. Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure is the secure protocol by which your browser communicates with the sites. When using a HTTPS site, the data is encrypted and authenticated and therefore secure.

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Discover fall's newest templates!

October 04, 2017
By Elisabeth

Whether you’re new to Webself or you’ve been a loyal customer for a few years, you’ve probably noticed that one of Webself’s strengths is the quality of the templates offered. With over 150 customisable templates, it’s now easier than ever to create a real masterpiece. Those templates are only missing your content and a little personal touch!

Because we love to show you our new features, here are a few of our new fall templates! To see the complete list, here’s the link: Website Templates

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Use anchor links to improve your website's navigation

September 19, 2017
By Sarah

Use anchor links to improve your website's navigationAn anchor link is an invisible line that you incorporate into your website to highlight a position on a page. These lines are linked to a something on a page, whether it’s a menu, a call to action button or even an image. They are used to go to a specific location or section of the page. More commonly used in long-scrolling websites, they can still be used in any websites, to improve the general navigation and facilitate the navigation between the sections of the pages.

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Beginner's web lexicon

August 18, 2017
By Elisabeth

Beginner's web lexicon

Ah, the web world! So interesting but sometimes so complex. Of course, WebSelf simplifies your life by offering you a tool that requires no technical knowledge to create a beautiful website, quickly. In fact, it is possible to create a real masterpiece by adapting your style and your information to our customizable templates!​

To help you become a true web master, here’s a little lexicon of the most important words to know! You have probably seen them on our website or in our blog posts! So, are you ready to learn?

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WebSelf's referral system

August 17, 2017
By Elisabeth

WebSelf's referral system

It pays to sponsor!

First of all, we would like to thank you, our dear customers. Thanks to you, over 3 million websites have been created with WebSelf. WebSelf doesn't want to only provide you with a powerful editor to create a masterpiece, but  we also want to accompany you throughout the whole process! Videos, blog articles, tutorials, help center: several tools are available to you to help and guide you!

But wait, there’s more! We also like to spoil you and thank you for being so faithful! Are you familiar with the WebSelf's sponsorship system?

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