
Tips and tricks to create a website

What’s Coming Up for Twitter Marketing this 2020?

May 01, 2020
By Valeria Santalla

What’s Coming Up for Twitter Marketing this 2020?Staying on top of every trend is very exhausting, social media marketing is a world where anything could change in one single day. This quick overview of some of the most significant things to keep in mind for 2020’s Twitter Marketing can make your life way simpler! For starters, visit the Twitter Marketing Calendar on Twitter to get ahead of the main events you want to talk about this year! Plan your campaigns with time to spare and make some awesomely designed content to share. ​

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How to Choose the Right Colors for Your Brand

April 29, 2020
By Ariane

How to Choose the Right Colors for Your BrandWhat do your logo, website, and newsletter have in common? In addition to being marketing tools that you should have, these three elements are extensions of your brand. Therefore, they should be composed of the same colors. Have you already found the shades that represent you well? It is important not to take this decision lightly as colors have meaning. Here are some tips to choose the right colors for your brand.

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A Recipe for Creating a Great Website

April 24, 2020
By Ariane

A Recipe for Creating a Great WebsiteCreating a website can seem like a complicated task, and there may be little time to do it. So, where should you start? The WebSelf team decided to design a plan to help you create your website so that it can meet your needs quickly. We are convinced that everyone can have a spot on the web!

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These Branding Mistakes May Be Holding Your Business Back

April 15, 2020
By Tailor Brands

These Branding Mistakes May Be Holding Your Business Back

Good branding can make or break a business. It requires careful planning and a long-term strategy. Otherwise, your branding is going to HURT your company. 

Let's take a look at 10 of the most common branding blunders that are holding businesses back, and how you can avoid them.

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The Top Factors that Influence Customer Service Performance Quality

April 10, 2020
By Molly Crockett

The Top Factors that Influence Customer Service Performance QualityEffective, high-quality customer service is the goal of any company – this is often harder to achieve than people tend to think. Here are some of the main factors that influence customer service performance:

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How to Write a Great Blog Article

April 08, 2020
By Ariane

How to Write a Great Blog Article

You might have as a new year resolution to add a blog to your website. You might have already written a few articles that were not very successful. We will admit it; it is difficult to stand out with the considerable quantity of blogs and articles that can be found on the web. What can you do to create an article that will be read? Here are our tips on how to write a great blog article.

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Make a Website for Your Music Group

April 01, 2020
By Ariane

Make a Website for Your Music Group

Is music your passion? Are you working solo or in a group? Whether you are in a professional orchestra or a songwriter singing in pubs with your guitar, is it easy to find you on the web? Why not take the time to create a website to increase your notoriety? It could surely help you become more popular! Many musicians already did their website with WebSelf.

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How to Increase Your Visibility on Facebook

March 25, 2020
By Ariane

How to Increase Your Visibility on Facebook

If you have a website, you probably also have a Facebook page for your group or business. Perhaps you may have noticed a significant drop in the visibility of your publications in recent months. So, what could be the cause? We assure you it is not your fault. All pages on this social media platform are currently experiencing a decline. Before you panic and run to another platform, let's see how you can increase your visibility on Facebook.

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Methods For Making Your Brand Credible

March 13, 2020

Methods For Making Your Brand CredibleWe live in a world where, in a whole variety of different industries, there is enormous potential for you as a company owner to make a huge impact. Technology has facilitated the creation of an environment in which brands spring up out of nowhere with great force and great speed and are capable of going on to do extraordinary things. The results of this are manifold. But, perhaps the most pronounced is that there is now massive competition. ​

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How to Create a Great Landing Page

March 11, 2020
By Ariane

How to Create a Great Landing Page

A website can have many purposes. It can be to have a blog and get notoriety on a specific subject. It can also be to sell your best products on an online shop. Have you ever thought of using a website as a landing page? It can be very useful if you use social media campaigns, for instance. If you do not know what a landing page is, we invite you to read the following lines!

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