
Tips and tricks to create a website
Search results for "seo"

SEO 101: Links

September 23, 2016
By Elisabeth

SEO 101: LinksYou probably have asked yourself this question before: why isn’t my website on the first page of results on search engines? There are several explanations and answers to this question, but if you put effort into the SEO optimization of your website, you increase your chances to find yourself at the top of the list! First of all, search engine optimization is a methodology of strategies, techniques and tactics used to increase the amount of visitors to a website by obtaining a high-ranking placement in the search results page of a search engine (SERP) -- including Google, Bing, Yahoo and other search engines.

Unfortunately, SEO is not done in one easy task! In fact, for Google or other search engines to give you as much importance as you deserve, you must make a constant effort in optimizing different aspects of your site. Meta descriptions, tags and H title, content and links. Today we will discuss the different kinds of links and their importance for the SEO optimization of your website!

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The first 1000 "likes"

August 24, 2016
By Elisabeth

The first 1000 "likes"

You created a Facebook page to go with your magnificent website? Or vice versa? Congratulations, diversity should be a key element in your web marketing strategy. To reach more people and make yourself known as a company, association, sports club, etc., it is essential to be present where potential customers are: social networks, websites, forums, partner pages, etc!

Now that the page is created, how do you get your first 1000 likes? A rather difficult task, but here are some tips to help you. Although they do not guarantee you 1,000 fans within a day,  these tips can dramatically improve the popularity of your Facebook page.

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SEO optimization: 5 useful tools

August 22, 2016
By Elisabeth

SEO optimization: 5 useful tools

Although the SEO optimization of your website can be complex and sometimes difficult to understand, it remains an important factor in your Internet success. In fact, it’s not because you publish your site on the web that it automatically end up at the top of the results in the search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo, etc. But we’ve got good news for you: WebSelf found five practical tools to help you improve the SEO optimization of your site and how to maximize your success!

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Everything you need to know to have the best images for your website

August 04, 2016
By Sarah

Everything you need to know to have the best images for your website

As we previsouly mentionned, images play such an integral role on your website, and this is why you should pay extra attention to them. They need to be revelant and coordinate visually with the rest of your content to capture the attention of your visitors. To help you, here is everything you need to know about pictures and how to optimize them to take your already stunning website to a whole other level.

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6 reasons why businesses should use social medias

July 08, 2016
By Elisabeth

6 reasons why businesses should use social medias

Now that you've created the perfect website to your company's image, what's the next step? Your presence on social networks, of course!

Social networks are very important in your digital strategy. We must not underestimate them but it's important to remember that each network are suited best for a certain audiences and they each have different objectives. For example, a job opening within your company has a much better place on a network like LinkedIn rather than on Instagram.The majority of your customers are young? It would be better to stick with Snapchat or Twitter to communicate with them. Make sure you know your audience and adjust accordingly. 

Here are 6 good reasons to use social media for your business and how to be successful using them. 

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The domain name

June 14, 2016
By Elisabeth

The domain name

With thousands of new websites created daily, the competition is fierce to make it to the front page of results on search engines. For people to be able find your site, you need to invest some time into optimizing these search engines, also known as SEO. One of the most important factor to consider, and one of the first decisions to make when creating your website is to select a domain name. Not only it will help you optimize your position on Google, but your future customers will find you more easily. 

Today we discuss the domain name, its importance, and how to choose it. 

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In with the New

June 10, 2016
By Elisabeth

In with the NewNew features have recently been added on the WebSelf's editor.

We want to keep you updated you on what's new to make your life easier and your website live up to your expectations.

Here is a summary of the new features you can notice on our website, starting today!

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Provide with your contact information in a visible position of your website

November 16, 2015
By Catherine

You contact infosHave you ever thought about the fact that the contact information on a website, it's almost like the signature at the end of a letter?

 By showing your contact information; you can create a professional image that adds credibility to your business.
Regrettably, every day we visit many websites that push aside the importance of providing contact information in a visible position.

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Video: A way to establish direct contact with your customers

November 16, 2015
By Catherine

                                                Add videos to your site

It’s well known, a large amount of text on a site, risks losing the interest of the visitor. Note that I'm not saying that your content is not important, on the contrary, it is one of the most important ranking criteria for search engines.

However, there are many tools to establish points of contact with a visitor into your site. Video is one of the most powerful of all.

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How does Google search work?

November 16, 2015
By Catherine

Google searchWe know that Google takes into consideration various factors to give each page an overall score then shows the results of the search. But did you know that one of the most important tools for is the Keywords?

The choice of keywords is crucial to be on the queries that generate a significant traffic. It is therefore important to know by what words and phrases your visitors will make a search and try to build content around that.

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