
Tips and tricks to create a website

7 Ways to Make a Bad Website

July 15, 2019
By Ariane

7 Ways to Make a Bad Website

Like many sciences, there are rules to follow to ensure success. Whether for painting, writing a novel or even completing a recipe, it is important to follow certain instructions to obtain desired results. As you know, WebSelf allows you to build your own website. We promise that creating your site will be easy and attainable. That's why today we want to warn you of 7 common mistakes that may seriously harm your website.

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How to Do a Professional Website

July 10, 2019
By Ariane

How to Do a Professional Website

You are likely not a computer programmer. This is why it might look difficult to create your own professional website. Do not worry, you are in safe hands with WebSelf. There are many reasons why it is important that your business has its own website. It is also possible to create your website in only three steps. First, take a look at our templates, one will surely answer your needs whether you are a freelance translator, a cake artist or a lawyer.

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Do You Know What Is the Bounce Rate of Your Website?

July 05, 2019
By Ariane

Do You Know What Is the Bounce Rate of Your Website?

You certainly wish that your website appears on search engines, especially after all efforts you put on it. You did take the time to fill all pages, to add keywords, and verify each text. It is a very good start, however, there are other elements to check regarding your indexing. Do you know the bounce rate of your website? This data can give you information on how your visitors interact with your website, as well as being something analyzed by Google.

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Why Your Restaurant Should Have a WebSite?

July 02, 2019
By Ariane

Why Your Restaurant Should Have a WebSite?Are you a chef or do you own a restaurant or a catering service? Do you dream of owning your own coffee shop or trattoria? You may very well be better at making a risotto than managing a website or social media. Then, why should you take the time to leave your kitchen to create a website for your restaurant? Is it really worth it?

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Did You Think About Your Website Before Leaving on Vacation?

June 19, 2019
By Ariane

Did You Think About Your Website Before Leaving on Vacation?

Summer is now almost upon us. You surely must be preparing for your next holidays. Will this year be at the beach or in the mountains? We are sure that you are thrilled to leave your office for a while. Does checking your website is part of your things to do before leaving? What can you do to make sure your vacation does not affect your website and all your visibility efforts?  

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How to Design an Accessible Website

June 13, 2019
By Sarah

How to Design an Accessible Website

You must have invested a lot of time on your business and your website; it is, therefore, important for you that your website is seen and used by many people as possible. By making an accessible website, you open it to all people with disabilities and who have difficulties browsing the web. It is very important to think about those who are visually impaired, hearing-impaired or who have physical or psychological disabilities when you design your website.

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Twitch: A Growing Social Media

June 03, 2019
By Ariane

Twitch: A Growing Social MediaFacebook, Instagram, and Twitter. Today it seems that these three important social media cannot be replaced. Nevertheless, nothing is eternal as we saw in our articles Websites that marked history. Some new players want to join the game. Unless you like video games, it might be possible that you do not know Twitch, one of these newcomers. Very specialized, this new social media is based on video game players, as well as popular games such as Fortnite, Overwatch, Minecraft and League of Legends.

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Influencers: How Does It Work? Part 2

May 29, 2019
By Ariane

Influencers: How Does It Work? Part 2How to Become an Influencer?

Do you dream of quitting your job and becoming an influencer? Do you want to get paid hundreds for a simple post on Instagram, who wouldn’t? Was it the first part of our series on how to use an influencer in a marketing campaign that got you thinking? It seems so accessible to live on blogs and social media, but is it really? What can you do to get there? In this section, we are going to look into this question for you. 

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Using an Influencer, How Does It Work? Part 1

May 23, 2019
By Ariane

Using an Influencer, How Does It Work? Part 1

You see them everywhere, there is no way to escape them. Although the phenomenon has existed in different ways throughout the years, whether through sponsorship or post-war advertising, it seems that with the advent of social media, the world has eyes only for them! Do you have a business, product, blog or shop to promote? Would you like to work with an influencer to increase sales or traffic on your website? Is it complicated? Is it expensive? Yes and no. We decided to write a series of articles on the subject to help you out.

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How to Design an Online Shop That Converts

May 21, 2019
By Sarah

How to Design an Online Shop That ConvertsYou can create your own online shop in only a few clicks with WebSelf. If you want to make sales on it, however, you must have a website that converts (and it needs a little extra effort). We then gathered all our best tips related to the optimization of your online shop, as well as increasing your conversion rate.

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