
Tips and tricks to create a website

SEO Checklist

September 14, 2018
By Elisabeth

SEO ChecklistSeeing your site at the top of Internet search results is your dream? It can now be a reality! However, search engine optimization (or SEO for short) takes some time and effort, on several fronts, since numerous factors impact your ranking.

To help you, WebSelf offers a SEO checklist in your site’s dashboard. Step by step, we’re going through the best ways to improve your ranking, as well as the mistakes to avoid.

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Adopt a new marketing strategy: Emailing list

September 13, 2018
By Elisabeth

Adopt a new marketing strategy: Emailing list

Nowadays, email marketing is important for numerous companies, both small and big. This strategy consists in sending emails, at regular intervals, to a curated list of potential clients, actual clients, or even just potential leads. Used judiciously, it can become very profitable. Today, we’re embarking on an in-depth exploration of this marketing strategy: try it out with us, and it may become your next big campaign!

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How to create a website with webself

September 12, 2018
By Sarah

How to create a website with webself

At Webself, we use our blog as a tool to let you know about the features available; new designs and tips and tricks to make your website and your presence on the web a success. Today, we will do a little different, introducing you to this Webself mini-guide! If you do not know where to start with creating your site, read this article is the next step!

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Meta-description: 4 principles

September 06, 2018
By Carole

Meta-description: 4 principles

What do a book cover, a movie poster, and a storefront have in common? They must make you want to see more.

This is the same principle for a meta-description. This short burble displayed under your site’s name in Google’s search results means to showcase and attract your potential visitors on your site.

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6 image banks for awesome photos!

August 01, 2018
By Sarah

6 image banks for awesome photos!No matter your budget, there is a solution for you to get quality images on the net: subscribe to an image banks, hire a professional photographer, or take the photos yourself. As such, there’s no excuse for mediocre photos. In particular, free image banks are increasingly popular, and a great way to find great pics for your site among thousands of available images. Just keep in mind that, if you found a perfect, free fit for your activity, so might have your competitor. To be unique, you might have to use a premium image bank.

Today, we’re listing our favourite image banks, both free and premium.

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Top 5 reasons to revamp your website

July 31, 2018
By Sarah

Top 5 reasons to revamp your website

As summer drags to a close and school is looming on the horizon, comes the time to shake things up. Let’s check our bag of tricks and make sure we’re ready for the new school year, both in real life and in our digital one. Not sure your website needs some freshening up? Here are the 5 questions that can help you decide and how Webeslf can help you.

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How to deal with negative comments on social media

July 26, 2018
By Sarah

How to deal with negative comments on social media

Negative comments can sometimes cause embarrassment. What is the best way to treat them? Ignore them? Probably not! On the contrary, it's the perfect opportunity to show that your company listens to its customers. You must respond, and you must do it quickly! Unsatisfied customers expect to have a quick answer, office hours or not!

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5 tips for creating successful business cards

June 14, 2018
By Elisabeth

5 tips for creating successful business cards

A business card is a tool that has been used for many years by a large majority of people who are in the business field. A business card helps promote your company, remind your target audience that you exist and make sure they remember you. Several solutions are available to help you create custom business cards that are ideal for your business, and today we focus on five tips that will set you apart from your competition.

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5 marketing trends that will boost your small business

June 11, 2018
By Elisabeth

5 marketing trends that will boost your small business

In a world where we are exposed to more than 4000 ads every single day, if you want to create a business, you must stand out from the crowd, and especially with your marketing strategy. Contests, live videos, informative ads, we rarely spend a day without being absolutely blown away by a marketing stunt.

Today, we talk about five marketing trends that will boost your small business!

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WebSelf & GDPR: Everything You Need to Know

June 11, 2018
By Elisabeth

WebSelf & GDPR: Everything You Need to Know

Have you recently heard about the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation) or have you had to re-read and re-approve certain terms of use for your favorite applications lately? What does it mean?

Here's a blog post that summarizes the new rule and everything you need to know about WebSelf & RGPD

*** Please note that WebSelf does not offer legal advice and none of the information in this article constitutes legal advice. If you have questions, we encourage you to consult an expert.

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