
Tips and tricks to create a website

Make a Free Website with WebSelf

April 05, 2019
By Ariane

Make a Free Website with WebSelfYou always wanted to have your own website but you think it might cost too much? The internet has been democratized in the last decade and it is now easier than ever to have your place on the world wide web. In fact, creating websites is no longer confined to developers and agencies. You can even make your own free of charge with WebSelf. You do not even need to have any technical knowledge to make it. You do not believe us? Then read the following paragraphs.

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How You Can Use Instagram Stories to Boost Your Business

March 28, 2019
By Ariane

How You Can Use Instagram Stories to Boost Your BusinessWith more than 500 million Instagram accounts who use Stories every day, it is not an acceptable strategy to avoid them. If you are not familiar with Instagram Stories, it is time to try them. Instagram Stories provide a wide range of possibilities regarding content you can publish. It is also a significant marketing channel that has been chosen as one of 2019’s main marketing trend. In this article, we will cover the essentials you need to know about stories and how you can use for your business.

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How to Find a Solid Name for Your Project

March 26, 2019
By Ariane

How to Find a Solid Name for Your ProjectApple, Amazon and Adidas, three big companies with dominating names that start with the first letter of the alphabet. As these companies are listed as some of the most powerful companies in the world, it's easy to explain how their names are original and easy to remember. How can you create a name as solid as these? It often requires many hours of work, creativity and a lot of testing. Here are some tips to help you find the perfect name for your project, whether for a blog, a store or your business.

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Is It Still Pertinent in 2019 to Have a Blog?

March 11, 2019
By Ariane

Is It Still Pertinent in 2019 to Have a Blog?According to the latest statistics, there are now more than one billion websites! Yes, you read that right: one billion!  There exists one website for 7 humans. It seems nowadays that everyone has a blog: companies, political parties or associations, influencers… Is it still relevant to have a blog with all this important competition? Yes! However, we need to warn you that it is more difficult than before to reach and retain visitors. Here 3 reasons why you should have a blog in 2019 after all.

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How to Avoid Spelling and Grammar Mistakes on your Website

March 06, 2019
By Ariane

How to Avoid Spelling and Grammar Mistakes on your Website

It’s done. You now have the most beautiful website! You spent a few hours on the design in order to choose all fonts, pictures, and colors rigorously.  At the launch, however, you realize that your website bounce rate is high. Your visitors stay on your webpages only a few seconds. It is a disaster! What is happening? Did you check if your website was spelling and grammar mistakes free? As mentioned in other articles on the WebSelf blog, these mistakes can affect your website indexing by search engines since it gives people the impression that your project is not professional or reliable. What can you do in order to avoid to make mistakes?

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4 design principles for your website

February 28, 2019
By Sarah

4 design principles for your websiteDesigning your website may seem impossible if you think you do not have the artistic gene. In reality, it is more like a science, you simply need to analyze the components of a good design. We have four categories for you to consider: balance, contrast, hierarchy, and coherence. Here are the four design principles to use on your website.

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What Is a Backlink?

February 25, 2019
By Ariane

What Is a Backlink?

SEO, backlinks, meta-descriptions… expressions related to the referring of an internet site on the most search engines can surely give you a headache! You surely want your project to be on Google’s first page of results, however, we are sorry to let you know that you will need to work to make it through. There are now millions of pages on the internet, even some on the same subject than your website. What can you do in order to be chosen as the first result by search engines instead of others? One way to improve your importance is to have efficient backlinks.

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4 Tips to Help Write More Content

February 19, 2019
By Ariane

4 Tips to Help Write More ContentDid you just create your own blog? Congratulations! We wish you a lot of success. What inspired you to leap at first? Was it to reach more people or because you have a lot to tell? Whatever the reason why, did you know that a blog can help the ranking of your website? In fact, Google likes websites that often have new content. In the beginning, it will be easy to write your articles, however, as time goes by it will be tougher to find new ideas and to remain broadly constant. Take the time to read our 4 tips so you can avoid the blank page syndrome.

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What is a Domain Name?

February 13, 2019
By Ariane

What is a Domain Name?Imagine a world where streets have no name, as U2 sang. Although it may sound poetic, it would make our world messy and less organized. Imagine now a world without domain names. Contrary to what you think, it would also make our life messier since it is domain names that allow us to find websites easily. If domain names did not exist, we would have to find Internet pages with their IP address, which is a code with many numbers. For instance, Facebook’s code could be 445.548.999, while WebSelf could be 456.98.898.95. It would not be practical at all.  

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Google Search Console: A User's Guide for Beginners

February 08, 2019
By Ariane

Google Search Console: A User's Guide for Beginners

In 2019, experts are still talking about SEO. After spending a lot of time doing various marketing campaigns and changing the meta-description for search engine optimization, you need to know if they are working. Google Analytics allows you to gather a wealth of knowledge about the visits and visitors to your website; however, there is an alter ego, Google Search Console. Like its big brother Google Analytics, the Console is a free and very useful tool. Google Search Console, formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools, allows you to measure your website’s Google search performance. Want to know more? Keep reading!

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