
Tips and tricks to create a website

6 reasons why businesses should use social medias

July 08, 2016
By Elisabeth

6 reasons why businesses should use social medias

Now that you've created the perfect website to your company's image, what's the next step? Your presence on social networks, of course!

Social networks are very important in your digital strategy. We must not underestimate them but it's important to remember that each network are suited best for a certain audiences and they each have different objectives. For example, a job opening within your company has a much better place on a network like LinkedIn rather than on Instagram.The majority of your customers are young? It would be better to stick with Snapchat or Twitter to communicate with them. Make sure you know your audience and adjust accordingly. 

Here are 6 good reasons to use social media for your business and how to be successful using them. 

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The domain name

June 14, 2016
By Elisabeth

The domain name

With thousands of new websites created daily, the competition is fierce to make it to the front page of results on search engines. For people to be able find your site, you need to invest some time into optimizing these search engines, also known as SEO. One of the most important factor to consider, and one of the first decisions to make when creating your website is to select a domain name. Not only it will help you optimize your position on Google, but your future customers will find you more easily. 

Today we discuss the domain name, its importance, and how to choose it. 

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In with the New

June 10, 2016
By Elisabeth

In with the NewNew features have recently been added on the WebSelf's editor.

We want to keep you updated you on what's new to make your life easier and your website live up to your expectations.

Here is a summary of the new features you can notice on our website, starting today!

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4 tips for choosing the best fonts for your website

June 08, 2016
By Simon

4 tips for choosing the best fonts for your website

Choosing a font is a very important step in the realization of a website. Well-chosen fonts alone will improve the appearance of your site in addition to facilitate the readability and good organization of your content. Non-fitting fonts, however, may confuse your visitors and could very often be detrimental for the effectiveness of your website. Here are some tips for choosing the best fonts that will be appropriate for your content's value,  while focusing on the functionality of your web design.

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Behind the Scenes: Webself Unfolds, part 3

June 07, 2016
By Elisabeth

Behind the Scenes: Webself Unfolds, part 3

Do you know who is behind WebSelf?

In previous episodes, we introduced you to Silvia, a customer service representant, and Simon, our graphic designer. Today we present to you our integrator, who happily answered some of our questions in order for you to get to know her better as well as her vital role for WebSelf 

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Behind the Scenes: Webself Unfolds, part 2

June 07, 2016
By Matthieu

 Behind the Scenes: Webself Unfolds, part 2

Do you know who is behind WebSelf? Today, we are showing you behind the scenes as we introduce another member of our team. 

After introducing Silvia in customer service in the previous episode, we head to the WebSelf artistic department in order to meet Simon. In fact, to keep up with modern trends and beautiful themes/ templates, we need creative minds. 

We asked Simon, graphic designer at WebSelf to introduce himself and answer our questions so you can know more about him and his vital role. 

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My RezApp: A free online booking tool for your WebSelf site

June 07, 2016
By Matthieu

Many of you use WebSelf to promote your business.  A website is a valuable tool and you could make it even better by involving a suitable online booking system.

With MyRezApp, you will allow users to book an appointment whenever they want!

Want to learn more ? Luckily Maëlla, co-founder of MyRezApp, answers some of our questions. 

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Behind the Scenes: Webself Unfolds

June 06, 2016
By Elisabeth

Behind the Scenes: Webself Unfolds

Do you know who is behind WebSelf? Today, we are showing you behind the scenes as we introduced a member of our team. 

Silvia has been a customer service representant for quite a while now. She is the one who takes care of you and your questions by phone, online chat, email, etc. She is also the writer behind some of the online help center pages to provide a greater service to you, our valuable clients. 

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Provide with your contact information in a visible position of your website

November 16, 2015
By Catherine

You contact infosHave you ever thought about the fact that the contact information on a website, it's almost like the signature at the end of a letter?

 By showing your contact information; you can create a professional image that adds credibility to your business.
Regrettably, every day we visit many websites that push aside the importance of providing contact information in a visible position.

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Video: A way to establish direct contact with your customers

November 16, 2015
By Catherine

                                                Add videos to your site

It’s well known, a large amount of text on a site, risks losing the interest of the visitor. Note that I'm not saying that your content is not important, on the contrary, it is one of the most important ranking criteria for search engines.

However, there are many tools to establish points of contact with a visitor into your site. Video is one of the most powerful of all.

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